Core instructions guide your agent’s behavior and decision-making process.

When writing instructions, clearly state the agent’s role and primary objectives, and outline step-by-step procedures for it’s tasks.

It can also be helpful to give your agent examples of scenarios it might encounter, and examples of it’s expected responses.

Markdown support

We offer markdown support for any area that accepts LLM prompts, like the core instructions, the flow builder and the LLM tool steps.

LLMs are well-trained on markdown and can draw meaning from your headings and bullet points to improve how they interpret your prompt. Using Markdown to create your prompts allows you to create a prompt that is easier for humans to read, and also easier for an LLM to understand.

Here is a table of markdown formatting options you can use when writing your prompts. If you’re using windows, replace Cmd with Ctrl and Opt with Alt.

ElementShortcutMarkdown Syntax
BoldCmd+B**bold text**
ItalicsCmd+I*italicized text*
Heading 1-6Cmd+1, … Cmd+6# Large heading, ###### Small heaidng
Bullet ListsCmd+Shift+8- List items start with a dash, or a * or +. Nest sub-items with 2 spaces or tabs.
Numbered ListsCmd+Shift+71. List items start with a number
Horizontal RuleCmd+Shift+----
Code BlockCmd+Shift+E``` code block ```

You can also select variables and reference tools and sub agents:

  • Select a variable: Type in {{ to bring up the variable picker name. Variables appear in your document surrounded in curly braces, like this: {{selected_variable}}.
  • Reference a tool: Type in / to bring up the reference picker. Here you will be able to select tools or agents etc that you want to reference in your prompt.