This page provides a security overview of our product and its key features. We are committed to ensuring the security and privacy of our users’ data, and we are proud to be a SOC 2 Type II compliant company.

SOC2 compliant and multi-region

Relevance AI is compliant with strict enterprise-grade security and governance standards. Relevance AI is SOC 2 type 2 compliant, and we operate in a multi-region environment. As part of SOC 2, only executive management has any kind of visibility into your customer data.

You are free to voluntarily invite our success team to help you check that the messaging is okay and escalations are working okay, with freedom to revoke that access at any time.


Relevance AI is available in three regions to cater to users around the world:

  • US (N. Virginia)
  • EU (London)
  • AU (Sydney)

You can choose the region that best suits your needs when setting up your Relevance AI account.

Self-hosted models that are also multi-region

We don’t train any models on your data, ever. Similarly, usually when you access API endpoints for LLMs, the processing agreement states that they don’t train on that data. We take it one step further and host our own OpenAI models, and open source ones like LAMA and fireworks that we host within our own AWS and Azure environments which are multi-region as well.

Key Features

Relevance AI offers three key features: Tools, Agents, and Data. Each feature has its own data retention and storage policies, which we will explain in detail below.


Tools in Relevance AI are powerful workflows that allow you to transform and process input data. It’s important to note that neither the input nor the output of these tools is logged by Relevance AI. However, some steps within the tools may require the use of external vendors for processing. For example, LLM steps utilize different vendors depending on the specific model being used.


Agents in Relevance AI enable conversations and maintain a history of interactions for the benefit of the user. These conversations are private to your project and can be deleted at any time by you. Conversations are stored securely within the same region you have chosen for your Relevance AI account.


Knowledge is a feature in Relevance AI that allows you to store data in a table, enabling bulk runs of tools on entire datasets. You have full control over your stored data and can delete it at any time. Similar to agents, your data is stored securely within the region you have selected for your Relevance AI account.

LLM Models

Relevance AI offers a number of LLM models to enhance your AI applications. Our GPT models are hosted on our own Azure OpenAI deployment within the same region you have chosen. It’s important to note that no data is stored or trained on in this process.

If you provide an OpenAI API Key, it will be passed through OpenAI’s API service. No data is stored or trained on during this process. You can review the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) on our website for more information.

Anthropic models are offered through their API, and once again, no data is stored or trained on during this process. You can review the DPA on our website for further details.

The below table describes the LLM models available in Relevance AI and their respective vendors when no API key is provided.

LLM ModelVendorData LoggedUsed for TrainingDPA

Security Questions

We offer security questionnaire completion for business plans and above.