What are Agent Templates?

Agent templates are pre-built agent team-members that you can use out-of-the box to get specific jobs done. We encourage you to use these as a launch pad to build agents that are more custom and tailored to your own company goals. They’re a great place to try out agents and get an idea for what they’re capable of.

These are just a few examples of the many Agent Templates available. Explore the full collection to find the perfect starting point for your AI workforce!

Meet BDR Bosh, our Flagship Agent!

Besides our template agents, we also have an enterprise-ready BDR agent that really pushes the boundaries of what’s possible with AI Agents. Bosh has already generated world class results for many of our enterprise customers.


Leads contacted per month


Faster time to close


More meetings booked


Higher win rate


Faster reply rate


More cost-effective

This is one of our flagship agent templates, BDR Bosh (enterprise only).

Using an Agent Template

To start using an Agent Template, follow these steps:

  1. Browse the available templates on the Agents page.
  2. Click on the “Use template” button for the desired Agent.
  3. The Agent’s configuration page will open, pre-filled with the template settings.
  4. Review and adjust the Agent’s name, description, tools, and other settings as needed.
  5. Click “Create Agent” to finalize the setup.
  6. Your new Agent, based on the selected template, is now ready to use!

Woo hoo! 🥳

Customise an Agent Template

If you want to make changes to an Agent Template and save it as your own custom Agent, you can easily do so:

  1. Open the desired Agent Template.
  2. Click on the “Clone template” button in the top-right corner.
  3. A copy of the template will be created in your account, which you can freely modify.
  4. Customize the Agent by adding or removing tools, adjusting prompts, and tweaking settings.
  5. Save your changes to create a personalized version of the Agent.

We look forward to seeing how you extend and customise these agents!!!