With Relevance, it’s very easy to create a Q&A app on your knowledgebase using our Knowledge feature. However, a common question we’re asked is how to include references in the response. In this example, we’ll take a look at a couple of approaches you can take.

Adding fields to use as a reference

To be able to create references, you need to make sure the context you provide to the LLM includes a field that you can use as a reference. For example, this typically is a URL, a filename, an article title or a product name.

If you’re uploading a CSV to Knowledge, this will mean you’ll need to ensure you have a column that will act as your identifier that will be used in the reference. If you’re upload a PDF or an audio file, then a column with the filename will be automatically created.

In this example, we’ll use a CSV that has columns “title”, “content” and “url” where each row is a different article from our support documentation.

Configuring your Knowledge to include the correct fields

Under “Advanced options” in the LLM step, you will find a section on “How to handle too much text”. If you click “edit” for the knowledge variable you will see a modal that has an “Advanced options” section. Under here, you will find an input to configure which columns from the dataset to include. Specify the columns that include the knowledge and the ones that you’ll use as reference here.

Read more about the “How to handle too much text” feature here.

In this example, we’ll include “title”, “content” and “url”. Now, when we use the knowledge variable in our LLM, it’ll be replaced with only these fields from the most relevant content.

Screenshot of the column selection modal

You can see what is being inserted in the variable by checking the “Prompt” output variable in the LLM step.

Updating your prompt to include the reference

Now that we have configured our knowledge to include the fields we want, we can update our prompt to include the reference. In this example, we’ll use the url field as our reference. There are many different ways you can choose to format this, here we cover two: JSON and Footnotes.

Specify the response as JSON in format { answer, references: [{title, url}]" }. Use proper punctuation. Never provide URLs that are not included in my messages. You must respond in JSON.

We have asked for a JSON response that includes an answer and a references field. The references field is an array of objects that have a title and a url field. The title field is the title of the article and the url field is the URL of the article.

Adjust the prompts to suit your data, output and accuracy needs best. LLMs are more than capable of providing references and can even be extend to include things like quotes.

Few-shot examples of the desired input and output combinations at the start of your prompt is a great way to ensure it mimics you better.

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