Although Relevance in general is a zero or low-code platform, you can still code your own features using the Python tool step if you want to.

How to use a Python step

You can add a Python tool-step to any tool by creating a new tool, clicking on the “Add step” button under the tool steps section, searching for “Python” and clicking on the “Python Code” tool step as shown below.

Python step

Enter your code in the code section as you would in any other IDE (e.g. VS Code, Webstorm).

Access input variables , other steps’ output and api keys

You can access tool input variables, other tool step outputs, and api_keys you’ve created in Relevance using the following syntax:

Python step

  • Access input varibles via params: This is a dictionary, and the names of input variables are the dictionary keys. For example, if there is an input parameter called “name”, you can access the value using params["name"].
  • Access other steps’ output via steps: This is a dictionary, and the names of the steps are the dictionary keys. For example, if there is a step called “summary”, you can access its output using steps.summary.output. Or, if there is a code step, you can access its produced output using steps["python"]["output"]["transformed"], where ‘python’ represents the default variable name for the python code step, which you can change.
  • Access api keys: You can access API keys you have added to the platform via the integrations page, with {{secrets.chains_name_of_your_api_key}}.

Installing & using packages

To install custom packages and import them into your custom python tool-step, you need to:

  1. Click on the cog icon next to “Run step” in your python tool step.
  2. Click on “New item” under the “Runtime Commands” field.
  3. Enter the installation command for your package, e.g. pip install requests.
  4. Import your package as you would normally, e.g. import requests.

Below is a screenshot of installing, importing and running the requests package, where we make a get request to GitHubs API:

Python step

Common errors

The most common errors seen in our logs are Python coding related errors to which there are millions of resources available online.

However, occasionally, users encounter the Code execution timed out error. Keep in mind that Python snippet execution time cannot exceed 4 hours.