Extract data from PDF

The "Extract data from PDF" tool is designed to automate the extraction of data from complex PDF documents using advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Large Language Model (LLM) technologies. This tool simplifies the process of retrieving specific data points from PDFs, making it ideal for professionals who deal with large volumes of documents and need to extract information quickly and accurately.


The "Extract data from PDF" tool is designed to automate the extraction of data from complex PDF documents using advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Large Language Model (LLM) technologies. This tool simplifies the process of retrieving specific data points from PDFs, making it ideal for professionals who deal with large volumes of documents and need to extract information quickly and accurately.

Who this tool is for

Accountants: If you are an accountant, you can use this tool to extract critical financial data from invoices, receipts, and financial statements. By automating the data extraction process, you can save time and reduce the risk of manual errors, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.

Legal Professionals: As a legal professional, you often need to sift through lengthy contracts and legal documents to find specific clauses or information. This tool can help you quickly extract relevant data points, such as legal names, contract dates, and key terms, making your document review process more efficient.

Data Analysts: For data analysts, extracting data from various reports and documents is a routine task. This tool can streamline the extraction process, allowing you to quickly gather the data you need for analysis. By automating this step, you can spend more time on data interpretation and less on data collection.

How the tool works

This tool operates by leveraging advanced OCR and LLM technologies to extract data from PDFs. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Upload the PDF:You start by uploading the PDF document from which you want to extract data. The tool accepts various types of PDFs, including scanned documents, thanks to its OCR capabilities.

  2. Specify Data Points:Next, you specify the data points you want to extract. The default data points include "Legal name," "Invoice number," "Invoice date," "Bank details," and "Invoice items breakdown." You can customize this list based on your specific needs.

  3. Choose the LLM:You then select the Large Language Model (LLM) to use for the extraction process. The tool offers options like "openai-gpt35-16k" and "openai-gpt4." This choice determines the model that will interpret the text extracted from the PDF.

  4. OCR Processing:The tool uses OCR to convert the PDF content into text. It employs a highly accurate OCR type, ensuring that even complex and poorly scanned documents are processed with high precision.

  5. Text Extraction:Once the text is extracted, the tool uses the selected LLM to analyze the content. It prompts the LLM to identify and extract the specified data points from the text.

  6. Data Output:The extracted data is then formatted into a JSON structure, making it easy to read and integrate with other systems. If no relevant data is found, the tool will return "None," ensuring clarity in the results.


  • Efficiency: Automates the extraction process, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • Accuracy: Utilizes advanced OCR and LLM technologies to ensure high precision in data extraction.
  • Customization: Allows you to specify the exact data points you need, making it versatile for various use cases.
  • Integration: Outputs data in a JSON format, facilitating easy integration with other tools and systems.

Additional use-cases

  • Extracting client information from legal contracts.
  • Gathering product details from purchase orders.
  • Retrieving patient information from medical records.
  • Collecting research data from academic papers.
  • Extracting transaction details from bank statements.

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