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I'm looking at almost every single thing our business does and creating an AI tools to either improve the process, speed it up or add value in a different way using Relevance.
Michale Viney
Venture Capital Fund
Head of IT
I love building with Relevance and have created some incredibly powerful production workflows.
Chris Guill
GB Promotions
Relevance has been pivotal in my ability to build AI systems for my clients. These include AI Tools like a custom-built LinkedIn Post Generator and AI Agents for conversational workflows.
Nico Roco
StellarStream AI
Founder & CEO
Relevance has been pivotal in my ability to build AI systems for my clients. These include AI Tools like a custom-built LinkedIn Post Generator and AI Agents for conversational workflows.
Nico Roco
StellarStream AI
Founder & CEO
I love building with Relevance and have created some incredibly powerful production workflows.
Chris Guill
GB Promotions
I'm looking at almost every single thing our business does and creating an AI tools to either improve the process, speed it up or add value in a different way using Relevance.
Michale Viney
Venture Capital Fund
Head of IT
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Give your AI agent access to your tech stack with tools.

From accessing information in your CRM to publishing your website.
Create proposal writer tool Sales Guidelines 2024.pdf KNOWLEDGE > Sales Guidelines 2024.pdf STEPS Analyse Slack messages from client Write proposal Message proposal to client PROPOSAL WRITER TOOL Sales Guidelines 2024

Create your own workflows and teach them to your AI agent

From searching Google to making a phone call.
Send a follow-up email to [email protected]
Used Industry Research 􀆅 Used Lead Enrichment Tool 􀆅 Send Email Tool
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ActionSeperate latest reply from prospect from the entire email thread and put the emails into a list. Also, if a prospect recommend a specific time or list of times, then extract the time slots that fall within that rangeLinked toolEmail ParserLink Toolif...If no timezone was specified in the latest reply from the prospectAction get prospect location dataConditionif...If timezone was specified in the latest reply from prospectCondition

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Youtube: Video file

Youtube: Video file

The 'Youtube: Video file' tool by Alisa Wu is designed to extract the raw video file from a YouTube video. This tool is essential for users who need to download and utilize YouTube videos in their raw format for various purposes, such as feeding into other tools for further processing or analysis. With a simple input of the YouTube URL, the tool leverages the pytube library to fetch the first available stream URL of the video, making it a straightforward and efficient solution for video extraction needs.
Youtube: Video transcript

Youtube: Video transcript

The "Youtube: Video transcript" tool, created by Alisa Wu, is designed to effortlessly extract full transcripts from YouTube videos. This tool is perfect for anyone needing to analyze, research, or repurpose video content. By simply providing a YouTube URL, you can obtain a complete transcript of the video's spoken content, making it easier to work with the information presented in the video.
Linear: Create ticket

Linear: Create ticket

The "Linear: Create ticket" tool is designed to streamline the process of creating tickets in Linear, a popular project management software. By leveraging a custom API key, this tool automates ticket creation, making it easier for teams to manage tasks and track progress. This tool is particularly useful for tech companies looking to scale their operations without increasing headcount, as it allows for seamless task management and delegation.
Linear: Retrieve recent tickets

Linear: Retrieve recent tickets

The "Linear: Retrieve recent tickets" tool is designed to help you efficiently fetch recent tickets from your Linear project management system. This tool is particularly useful for teams that need to stay updated on the latest issues and tasks without manually sifting through the Linear interface. By automating the retrieval process, it saves time and ensures that you have the most current information at your fingertips.
Microsoft Azure: Form Recognizer OCR

Microsoft Azure: Form Recognizer OCR

The Microsoft Azure: Form Recognizer OCR tool is designed to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images and PDFs using Microsoft Azure's powerful Form Recognizer service. This tool allows you to extract text and structured data from documents, making it easier to automate data entry, document processing, and information retrieval tasks. It's particularly useful for businesses looking to streamline their operations and reduce manual labor associated with data extraction.
Snowflake: SQL Query

Snowflake: SQL Query

The "Snowflake: SQL Query" tool allows you to run SQL queries against a Snowflake database seamlessly. This tool is designed to simplify the process of querying your Snowflake data, making it accessible and efficient for users who need to extract and analyze data quickly. Whether you're a data analyst, a database administrator, or a business intelligence professional, this tool can help you streamline your data operations.
Youtube video comment analysis

Youtube video comment analysis

The "YouTube Video Comment Analysis" tool is designed to help you analyze and answer questions based on recent comments from any YouTube video. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool leverages advanced data extraction and natural language processing to provide insightful answers to your queries about YouTube video comments. Whether you're a content creator, a marketer, or a researcher, this tool can help you make sense of the feedback and discussions happening in the comment sections of YouTube videos.
Slack: Retrieve messages

Slack: Retrieve messages

Effortlessly retrieve recent messages from any Slack channel with this tool. Ideal for team collaboration and communication, it ensures you stay updated with the latest conversations. Whether you're managing a project, leading a team, or simply need to keep track of ongoing discussions, this tool provides a seamless way to access the most recent messages in your Slack channels.
Escalate To Managers via Slack

Escalate To Managers via Slack

The "Escalate To Managers via Slack" tool is designed to streamline the process of escalating critical issues to managers through Slack. This tool ensures that important matters receive prompt attention and resolution by sending notifications directly to the relevant managers. It is particularly useful for teams that rely on Slack for communication and need a quick and efficient way to highlight urgent issues.
Google Cloud: Cloud Vision OCR

Google Cloud: Cloud Vision OCR

The "Google Cloud: Cloud Vision OCR" tool allows you to easily extract text from images and PDFs using Google Cloud's powerful OCR (Optical Character Recognition) capabilities. This tool leverages Google Cloud's advanced machine learning algorithms to accurately detect and extract text from various document formats, making it an invaluable resource for anyone needing to digitize and analyze text data from physical documents.
Airtable toolkit

Airtable toolkit

The Airtable Toolkit is a powerful tool designed to streamline your data management processes by allowing you to easily list and create records in Airtable. Whether you need to retrieve existing data or add new entries, this tool provides a seamless interface to interact with your Airtable bases and tables. It simplifies the complexities of data management, making it accessible and efficient for users who rely on Airtable for their organizational needs.
Youtube video -> Blog

Youtube video -> Blog

The "YouTube video -> Blog" tool, created by Scott Henderson, is designed to transform your YouTube videos into engaging, SEO-optimized blog posts effortlessly. This tool is perfect for content creators and marketers looking to expand their reach and repurpose video content. By simply providing a YouTube video link, a blog name, and relevant SEO keywords, you can generate a comprehensive blog post in HTML format, complete with an article outline, engaging content, and FAQs.
Improve LinkedIn posts

Improve LinkedIn posts

The "Improve LinkedIn posts" tool is designed to help you craft high-quality LinkedIn posts that resonate deeply with your target audience. By generating three variations of a draft LinkedIn post, this tool increases the likelihood that your content will engage and connect with your audience. It leverages advanced AI capabilities to analyze your company's website, reverse-engineer your target audience, and tailor your LinkedIn posts accordingly.
Post to Slack

Post to Slack

The "Post to Slack" tool allows you to send messages directly to a Slack channel or a specific person of your choosing. This tool is designed to streamline communication within your team by automating the process of posting messages to Slack, ensuring that important information is shared promptly and efficiently.
Improve LinkedIn posts

Improve LinkedIn posts

The "Improve LinkedIn posts" tool is designed to help you craft high-quality LinkedIn posts that resonate deeply with your target audience. By generating three variations of a draft LinkedIn post, this tool increases the likelihood that your content will engage and connect with your audience. It leverages advanced AI capabilities to analyze your company's website, reverse-engineer your target audience, and tailor your LinkedIn posts accordingly.
Compare webpages

Compare webpages

The "Compare Webpages" tool is designed to help you analyze and contrast two different webpages by generating a detailed report. This tool is particularly useful for marketing professionals, web developers, and business analysts who need to compare the content, structure, and overall effectiveness of different webpages. By automating the comparison process, it saves you time and provides a comprehensive analysis that can inform your decision-making.
Youtube video -> Blog

Youtube video -> Blog

The "YouTube video -> Blog" tool, created by Scott Henderson, is designed to transform your YouTube videos into engaging, SEO-optimized blog posts effortlessly. This tool is perfect for content creators and marketers looking to expand their reach and repurpose video content. By simply providing a YouTube video link, a blog name, and relevant SEO keywords, you can generate a comprehensive blog post in HTML format, complete with an article outline, engaging content, and FAQs.
Property listing generator

Property listing generator

The Property Listing Generator is a cutting-edge tool designed to help you create world-class property listings using AI. This tool leverages advanced AI capabilities to generate compelling and detailed property descriptions, making it easier for you to market real estate effectively. Whether you're a real estate agent, property manager, or homeowner looking to sell or rent out your property, this tool simplifies the process of creating professional and attractive property listings.
Get feedback to webpage copy

Get feedback to webpage copy

This tool provides actionable feedback on your webpage's copy using AI. It helps you improve your content by identifying its strengths and weaknesses based on your specific goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your marketing efforts, boost user engagement, or refine your messaging, this tool offers valuable insights to elevate your webpage's effectiveness.
Social Share for Custom Actions for GPT

Social Share for Custom Actions for GPT

The "Social Share for Custom Actions for GPT" tool is designed to help you create engaging social media posts about a custom GPT that you have developed. This tool simplifies the process of generating a concise, captivating post that highlights your GPT's features and capabilities, making it easy to share with your audience on social media platforms.
Website to brand identity

Website to brand identity

The "Website to Brand Identity" tool is designed to transform any website into a comprehensive brand identity guide with ease. This tool is perfect for marketers, brand strategists, and business owners who are looking to understand and replicate successful branding elements. By extracting key branding components such as brand voice & tone, messaging, audience, content themes, and value proposition from a website, this tool provides valuable insights that can be used to enhance your own branding strategies.
AIDA framework

AIDA framework

The AIDA framework tool is designed to help marketers and business professionals create compelling marketing content that guides potential customers through the stages of Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This tool leverages the AIDA marketing framework to craft messages that capture attention, generate interest, build desire, and prompt action, ultimately aiding in making a purchasing decision. It is particularly useful for creating marketing copy, advertisements, and promotional materials.
Wordpress toolkit

Wordpress toolkit

The Wordpress Toolkit is a powerful tool designed to streamline your blogging process on WordPress. It allows you to access the Webflow CMS to view and publish blogs directly from a user-friendly interface. Whether you need to list all existing blogs or create new ones, this toolkit simplifies the process, making it ideal for businesses looking to maintain a consistent online presence without the hassle of manual updates.
PAS framework

PAS framework

The PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework is a powerful marketing tool designed to help you craft compelling copy by identifying a problem, agitating it, and providing a solution. This tool is ideal for marketers looking to engage their audience effectively. By following this structured approach, you can create persuasive content that resonates with your target audience, driving engagement and conversions.
Webflow toolkit

Webflow toolkit

The Webflow Toolkit is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of managing your Webflow CMS, specifically for creating and listing blog posts. This tool allows you to access the Webflow CMS to view and publish blogs directly from a user-friendly interface. It is particularly useful for businesses looking to automate their content management processes, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
BAB framework

BAB framework

The BAB (Before-After-Bridge) framework is a powerful marketing tool designed to enhance email marketing campaigns by structuring messages in a way that highlights the transformation and value a product or service can provide. This tool helps marketers craft compelling narratives that resonate with their audience by clearly illustrating the problem (Before), the solution (After), and how to get there (Bridge).
Extract data from PDF

Extract data from PDF

The "Extract data from PDF" tool is designed to automate the extraction of data from complex PDF documents using advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Large Language Model (LLM) technologies. This tool simplifies the process of retrieving specific data points from PDFs, making it ideal for professionals who deal with large volumes of documents and need to extract information quickly and accurately.
Airtable toolkit

Airtable toolkit

The Airtable Toolkit is a powerful tool designed to streamline your data management processes by allowing you to easily list and create records in Airtable. Whether you need to retrieve existing data or add new entries, this tool provides a seamless interface to interact with your Airtable bases and tables. It simplifies the complexities of data management, making it accessible and efficient for users who rely on Airtable for their organizational needs.
Analyse CSV

Analyse CSV

The "Analyse CSV" tool allows you to effortlessly analyze CSV data by asking specific questions. It is designed to streamline operations and data analysis tasks, making it easier to extract meaningful insights from your data without needing extensive technical knowledge.
Review legal doc

Review legal doc

The "Review legal doc" tool is designed to help you examine any legal document to identify potential pitfalls. This tool leverages advanced AI capabilities to provide a thorough review of contracts and other legal documents, ensuring that you are aware of any abnormal areas or potential issues. It is particularly useful for businesses and individuals who need to ensure the legal soundness of their documents without the need for extensive legal expertise.
Escalate To Managers via Email

Escalate To Managers via Email

The "Escalate To Managers via Email" tool is designed to streamline the process of escalating critical issues to managers through email. This tool ensures that important matters receive prompt attention and resolution by automatically notifying the appropriate managers. It is particularly useful for teams that need to handle urgent issues efficiently and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.
Knowledge retrieval

Knowledge retrieval

The Knowledge Retrieval tool is designed to help you access the latest data and knowledge about your company effortlessly. By leveraging advanced AI capabilities, this tool allows you to retrieve specific information from a pre-uploaded knowledge base, making it easier to find answers to your queries quickly and accurately. This tool is ideal for businesses looking to streamline their information retrieval processes and ensure consistency in the data accessed by different team members.
Escalate To Managers via Slack

Escalate To Managers via Slack

The "Escalate To Managers via Slack" tool is designed to streamline the process of escalating critical issues to managers through Slack. This tool ensures that important matters receive prompt attention and resolution by sending notifications directly to the relevant managers. It is particularly useful for teams that rely on Slack for communication and need a quick and efficient way to highlight urgent issues.
Translate webpage

Translate webpage

The "Translate Webpage" tool is designed to effortlessly translate entire webpages into any language. This tool is ideal for businesses, travelers, and researchers who need quick and accurate translations of online content. By simply providing the URL of the webpage and the desired language, users can receive a fully translated version of the page, making it easier to access and understand information from around the world.
Extract information from invoices

Extract information from invoices

The "Extract Information from Invoices" tool is designed to simplify the process of extracting key information from invoice PDFs. By leveraging advanced language models like GPT-4, this tool can effortlessly pull out details such as the company name, line items, and the total amount paid. This makes it an invaluable asset for anyone dealing with large volumes of invoices, ensuring accuracy and saving time.
Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR

Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR

The "Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR" tool is designed to help users seamlessly integrate PDF documents into their knowledge base by converting them into text using advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. This tool ensures high accuracy and relevance, making it ideal for operations that require precise document management and knowledge integration.
HR: Resume/Job Description Comparer

HR: Resume/Job Description Comparer

The "HR: Resume/Job Description Comparer" is a powerful AI-driven tool designed to streamline the hiring process by assessing the compatibility of job candidates against specific job descriptions. By leveraging advanced AI capabilities, this tool provides a detailed analysis of a candidate's resume, highlighting their skills, experiences, and qualifications in relation to the job requirements. This tool is ideal for hiring professionals looking to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer

HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer

The HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer is a powerful tool designed to assess how compatible a job candidate is for a specific role by analyzing their LinkedIn profile against the job description. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool leverages advanced AI to provide a detailed, structured analysis that helps employers understand the alignment between a candidate's skills, experiences, and qualifications with the job requirements. This tool is particularly useful for HR professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters who need to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
Personalized msg generator - Annual report

Personalized msg generator - Annual report

The Personalized Message Generator for Annual Reports is a powerful tool designed to help sales professionals create highly personalized opening lines for their messages. By analyzing annual reports and extracting relevant data points, this tool ensures that your message resonates with the recipient's role and company context, making your outreach more effective and engaging.
Extract specific data from transcripts

Extract specific data from transcripts

The "Extract specific data from transcripts" tool is designed to streamline the process of extracting key information from meeting transcripts. By leveraging advanced AI capabilities, this tool can identify and summarize critical data points, making it easier for users to capture essential insights from their conversations. This tool is particularly useful for sales teams, project managers, and business analysts who need to quickly distill actionable information from lengthy discussions.
SPIN Selling

SPIN Selling

The SPIN Selling tool is designed to help sales professionals create effective questions that uncover customer needs using the SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff) framework. This tool leverages AI to generate tailored SPIN questions based on specific product details, customer information, and desired tone of voice. It is particularly useful for sales teams looking to enhance their sales conversations and better understand their customers' needs.
3 key benefits - personalised w/ LI profile

3 key benefits - personalised w/ LI profile

This tool is designed to help you craft a personalized section in your cold emails by discussing key benefits that align with your prospect's needs and wants, as per their LinkedIn profile. It leverages AI to analyze LinkedIn profiles and generate tailored, impactful messages that resonate with your prospects. This tool is ideal for sales professionals looking to enhance their outreach efforts with highly personalized and relevant content.
Improve your copy

Improve your copy

The "Improve your copy" tool is designed to enhance your copywriting by providing five alternative versions of your original text. This tool leverages advanced AI to refine your copy, ensuring it is clear, concise, and engaging. Whether you need minor tweaks or a complete overhaul, this tool offers tailored suggestions to meet your needs. It's perfect for anyone looking to improve their written communication, from marketing professionals to business leaders.
Industry Research

Industry Research

The Industry Research tool leverages AI to enrich your data with the top 5 industry trends from Google search. This tool is designed to help businesses personalize their cold outreach by providing highly relevant industry insights. It automates the process of gathering and summarizing industry trends, highlighting potential challenges and opportunities where your product or service could offer significant value. Ideal for sales teams looking to increase productivity and effectiveness in their outreach efforts.
Lead Enrichment Tool

Lead Enrichment Tool

The Lead Enrichment Tool is designed to streamline the process of gathering detailed information about potential leads using just their email addresses. This tool automates the extraction of key data points such as job titles, company names, industries, and more, making it an invaluable asset for sales and marketing professionals. By leveraging AI-driven processes, it ensures that you can enrich your leads efficiently and accurately, saving you time and effort.
Research a company and find leads

Research a company and find leads

The "Research a company and find leads" tool is designed to streamline the process of gathering information about a company and identifying key contacts within that organization. This tool is particularly useful for sales and marketing professionals who need to quickly and efficiently gather actionable insights about potential clients or partners. By automating the search and extraction process, it saves time and ensures that you have the most relevant information at your fingertips.
Company Research w/ website

Company Research w/ website

The "Company Research w/ website" tool is designed to enrich your data with detailed research about your prospects' companies. By leveraging AI, this tool scrapes the company's website and generates a concise summary and industry identification. This information can be used to personalize your outreach efforts, making them more relevant and impactful. The tool is particularly useful for sales professionals who need to understand their prospects better to tailor their pitches effectively.
Summarize meeting transcript

Summarize meeting transcript

The "Summarize Meeting Transcript" tool is designed to provide the most accurate and useful summaries of meeting transcripts. By leveraging advanced language models, this tool extracts key information from meeting conversations, making it easier to understand the core points, action items, and important details discussed. This tool is ideal for professionals who need to quickly digest meeting content without sifting through lengthy transcripts.
Cold Call Script

Cold Call Script

The Cold Call Script tool by Relevance AI is designed to help sales professionals create highly personalized cold call scripts using the SPIN selling technique. This tool leverages AI to research prospects and their companies, generating tailored questions and scripts that demonstrate a deep understanding of the prospect's business. It is ideal for sales teams looking to enhance their outreach efforts and improve their conversion rates.
Simple Lead Scoring Tool

Simple Lead Scoring Tool

The Simple Lead Scoring Tool is designed to help sales teams quickly and efficiently evaluate the potential of a lead based on their email address. By leveraging LinkedIn data and a scoring algorithm based on company size, this tool provides a comprehensive lead score to prioritize outreach efforts. This tool is ideal for sales professionals who need to streamline their lead qualification process and focus on high-potential prospects.
Company Research w/ LinkedIn

Company Research w/ LinkedIn

The "Company Research w/ LinkedIn" tool is designed to scrape a company's LinkedIn profile and generate a concise research summary. This summary is tailored to help you personalize your cold outreach to employees of the target company. By leveraging this tool, you can gain insights into potential challenges and opportunities that the company might face, and how your product or service can provide significant value.
FAB Framework

FAB Framework

The FAB Framework tool is designed to help sales professionals create compelling statements that clearly communicate the features, advantages, and benefits of their offerings. By leveraging this tool, you can transform complex product details into easily digestible and persuasive messages that resonate with your target audience. This tool is particularly useful for sales teams, marketing professionals, and business operators who need to articulate the value of their products or services effectively.
Generate opening email

Generate opening email

This tool is designed to generate personalized opening emails for sales outreach based on a company's name, description, and target lead. It leverages AI to craft unique, engaging, and highly relevant emails that can capture the attention of potential clients. The tool is ideal for sales professionals looking to enhance their outreach efforts with minimal manual effort.
Google Search

Google Search

The Google Search tool is a powerful utility designed to help users find the latest information on any topic by leveraging Google's advanced search capabilities. It provides accurate and up-to-date results, making it an essential tool for research and information gathering. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone curious about a specific topic, this tool can help you find the information you need quickly and efficiently.
Categorize text

Categorize text

This tool leverages AI to effortlessly categorize text data using a predefined list of categories. It is ideal for market research and data analysis, ensuring accurate and relevant topic labeling. By automating the categorization process, it saves time and enhances the precision of data interpretation.
Steam game review analysis

Steam game review analysis

The "Steam game review analysis" tool allows you to analyze and gain insights from recent Steam game reviews by asking specific questions. Created by Jacky Koh, this tool is designed to help you delve into the feedback provided by players on Steam, offering a detailed understanding of their experiences and opinions. Whether you're a game developer, a market researcher, or a gaming enthusiast, this tool can provide valuable insights to inform your decisions and strategies.
Survey generator

Survey generator

The Survey Generator is a powerful tool designed to create survey questions based on specific criteria. It allows you to set the context, define the goal, and specify the number of questions you need. This tool is ideal for anyone looking to gather targeted feedback or insights efficiently. Whether you're conducting market research, evaluating customer experience, or assessing employee satisfaction, the Survey Generator can streamline the process and ensure you get the most relevant questions for your needs.
Audio Transcription + High level analysis

Audio Transcription + High level analysis

The "Audio Transcription + High Level Analysis" tool is designed to transcribe audio files, providing speaker labels and timestamps, and optionally perform high-level analysis such as topic identification, quote extraction, and summary generation. This tool is ideal for businesses and professionals who need to convert audio content into text and derive meaningful insights from it efficiently.
Detect survey biases

Detect survey biases

The "Detect Survey Biases" tool leverages AI to identify and explain inherent biases in survey questions. This tool is designed to help researchers, marketers, and operations managers ensure their surveys are unbiased and reliable, leading to more accurate and actionable insights.
GPT on my files

GPT on my files

"GPT on my files" is a powerful tool designed to help you get answers to your questions from various file types, including PDFs, CSVs, and audio files. By leveraging the capabilities of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), this tool extracts and processes the content of your files to provide accurate and relevant answers to your queries. Whether you're a researcher, a data analyst, or a student, this tool can significantly streamline your information retrieval process.
Synthetic user research

Synthetic user research

Synthetic User Research is a powerful tool designed to help you test ideas and surveys with AI participants. This tool allows you to gain insights quickly and efficiently by simulating responses from a targeted audience. Whether you're looking to understand customer experience, gather feedback, or explore new ideas, this tool provides a streamlined way to collect valuable data without the need for real-time human respondents.
Emotion analysis

Emotion analysis

The "Emotion Analysis" tool is designed to identify specific emotions within a given text input. By leveraging AI, it can detect whether any pre-specified emotions are present in the text, making it a powerful asset for understanding sentiment and emotional undertones in written communication. This tool is particularly useful for businesses and researchers who need to analyze large volumes of text data to gain insights into customer sentiment, employee feedback, or any other text-based interactions.
Convert American from/to British spelling

Convert American from/to British spelling

The "Convert American from/to British spelling" tool is designed to seamlessly convert text between American and British English spellings. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool leverages AI to ensure accurate and efficient spelling conversions, making it ideal for anyone needing to adapt their text for different English-speaking audiences.
Extract topics from interview transcripts

Extract topics from interview transcripts

The "Extract topics from interview transcripts" tool is designed to help you quickly identify and categorize the main themes and topics within transcribed audio or video data. This tool leverages AI to streamline the process of analyzing large volumes of text, making it easier to extract meaningful insights. It is particularly useful for researchers, customer service managers, and marketing professionals who need to distill key points from extensive interviews or discussions.
iOS appstore review analysis

iOS appstore review analysis

The iOS Appstore Review Analysis tool is designed to help you gain insights from recent iOS app reviews. By simply inputting your app's Appstore ID, a specific question, and the country from which you want to gather reviews, this tool will analyze the feedback and provide you with a concise answer. This tool is ideal for app developers, product managers, and marketing teams who need to understand user sentiment and improve their app based on real user feedback.
Extract categories in data - V2

Extract categories in data - V2

The "Extract categories in data - V2" tool is designed to help you effortlessly identify recurring themes in text responses and generate concise summaries. This tool is particularly useful for researchers and analysts who need to categorize and summarize large volumes of text data from CSV files. By automating the process, it simplifies the task of handling extensive datasets, allowing you to focus on insights rather than data management.
Google playstore review analysis

Google playstore review analysis

The "Google Playstore Review Analysis" tool allows you to analyze and gain insights from recent Google Playstore app reviews by asking specific questions. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool is designed to help you understand user feedback and sentiment by leveraging the latest reviews of any app available on the Google Playstore. Whether you're a developer, marketer, or product manager, this tool can provide valuable insights to improve your app's performance and user satisfaction.
Anonymize Text

Anonymize Text

The "Anonymize Text" tool is designed to mask or hide Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from text inputs. This tool is particularly useful for ensuring privacy and compliance with data protection regulations by automatically identifying and masking names, phone numbers, email addresses, and addresses within a given text. It leverages advanced AI capabilities to perform this task efficiently and accurately, making it an essential tool for businesses that handle sensitive information.
Analyze responses in Focus Groups

Analyze responses in Focus Groups

Effortlessly analyze and summarize focus group responses with our tool. This powerful application allows you to extract key themes and quotes from CSV files, providing valuable insights into your data. Whether you're conducting market research, academic studies, or product development, this tool simplifies the process of understanding and interpreting qualitative data.
Evaluate my taxonomy

Evaluate my taxonomy

The "Evaluate my taxonomy" tool is designed to help you assess and enhance your taxonomy or code frames using an advanced Language Learning Model (LLM). This tool is particularly beneficial for market researchers and data analysts who need to ensure their coding frameworks are optimized for accuracy and efficiency. By leveraging the power of LLM, you can refine your taxonomies to better categorize and interpret data, making your research more reliable and insightful.
GPT on my website

GPT on my website

"GPT on my website" is a sophisticated tool designed to provide you with informative and useful answers to any questions you have about a specific website. By utilizing advanced web scraping and natural language processing technologies, this tool extracts relevant content from the specified website and generates accurate responses to your queries. It is ideal for researchers, analysts, and anyone seeking detailed information from web sources.
Enrich LinkedIn profile

Enrich LinkedIn profile

The "Enrich LinkedIn profile" tool is designed to extract and summarize professional data from LinkedIn profiles. By simply providing a LinkedIn profile URL, this tool retrieves detailed information about a person's professional background, including their experiences and about section. It then generates a concise summary, making it easier to understand the key aspects of the individual's career. This tool is particularly useful for professionals who need to quickly gather and analyze LinkedIn data for various purposes.
Website scraping

Website scraping

Effortlessly extract and summarize website content with our advanced Website Scraping tool. Ideal for researchers, analysts, and developers, this tool allows you to input a URL and specify your scraping objectives to obtain precise and relevant data. Whether you need detailed content or a concise summary, our tool adapts to your needs, ensuring you get the most out of your web scraping tasks.
Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

The Sentiment Analysis tool is designed to analyze the sentiment of any given text, providing a quick and accurate assessment of whether the sentiment is Positive, Neutral, or Negative. This tool is ideal for businesses and individuals who need to understand the emotional tone of written content, whether it's customer feedback, social media posts, or internal communications. By leveraging advanced AI models, this tool simplifies the process of sentiment analysis, making it accessible and efficient for users.
Ask Internet

Ask Internet

The "Ask Internet" tool is designed to enhance your research capabilities by combining the power of Google Search with GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). This tool allows you to ask questions and receive comprehensive answers that leverage both the vast information available on the internet and the advanced language processing capabilities of GPT. It's ideal for anyone who needs quick, reliable, and detailed information without the hassle of sifting through multiple sources.
Youtube video comment analysis

Youtube video comment analysis

The "YouTube Video Comment Analysis" tool is designed to help you analyze and answer questions based on recent comments from any YouTube video. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool leverages advanced data extraction and natural language processing to provide insightful answers to your queries about YouTube video comments. Whether you're a content creator, a marketer, or a researcher, this tool can help you make sense of the feedback and discussions happening in the comment sections of YouTube videos.
Export Knowledge

Export Knowledge

The "Export Knowledge" tool is designed to help you export your data tables effortlessly. Whether you need a wide format for categorization results or a regular CSV, this tool provides a seamless solution for exporting your knowledge sets. It simplifies the process of converting your data into a usable format, making it easier to analyze and share.
Elastic Cloud: Elasticsearch Query

Elastic Cloud: Elasticsearch Query

The "Elastic Cloud: Elasticsearch Query" tool allows you to run Elasticsearch queries against Elastic Cloud seamlessly. This tool is designed to help you retrieve and analyze data stored in Elasticsearch indices, making it an essential asset for businesses that rely on Elasticsearch for their data management and search capabilities. Whether you are a data analyst, a developer, or an operations manager, this tool can streamline your workflow by automating the process of querying Elasticsearch.

Manage and monitor your
AI workforce in one secure place.

We ensure security and compliance, are GDPR-ready, hold a SOC 2 (Type 2) certification, and give you control over your data storage.

No training on your data

Your data remains private and is never utilized for model training purposes.

SOC 2 (Type II) & GDPR Compliant

We are SOC 2 (Type II) certified and GDPR compliant, ensuring top-tier data security and privacy.

Choose where to store your data

Choose between US, EU, and AU data-centers. We also support single tenant or private cloud deployment.

Role based access control

Fine-grained access controls to manage your team's permissions securely and efficiently.

Secure encryption

Robust secure encryption (AES-256) for data at rest and TLS for data in transit.

Security first

We never store anything we don’t need to. The inputs or outputs of your tools are never stored.