Recruit Bosh, the AI BDR Agent, and book meetings on autopilot.
Recruit Bosh, the AI BDR Agent, and book meetings on autopilot.
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Automate complex tasks with AI.

Join industry leaders building with Relevance AI.
Build and deploy AI apps, automations and agents.
per month
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100 credits /day
4 credits per run
1 user
10MB of Knowledge
Low-code tool builder
1-click shareable tool app and embed
Build custom actions for GPTs
Access to different LLM models
For teams building agents collaboratively.
per month
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100,000 credits /month
3 credits per run
33,333 runs
10 users
1GB of Knowledge
Hosted GPT4 Models
Priority support
For teams building agents across the organization.
per month
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300,000 credits /month
2 credits per run
150,000 runs
Unlimited users
Multi-Agent System
Activity Centre
5GB of Knowledge
Dedicated customer success
Bosh, the AI BDR
Scales your pipeline on 24x7 autopilot
Get a quote
Detailed prospect research
Personalized outreach
Two-way conversations
Interacts with your CRM
Books meetings into your calendar
Delivers impeccable hand-off notes
Extra Credits
Available on all tiers.
per 1000 credits
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Extra Knowledge Storage
Available on all tiers.
per GB
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What is a credit?

A credit is a unit of usage on Relevance AI. Every time you run a chain you will be charged credits based on the number and types of steps. An execution has two components to its cost: Fixed and Variable.

Every execution will have a fixed cost of:
- 4 credits if you are on Free and Pro
- 3 credits for Team
- 2 credits for Business

- Anything involving compute time* (*for a limited time majority of steps that involve compute are free)
- Anything requiring a third party provider. Most notably LLMs.
- If you provide your own API key for any third party provider we will not charge your any credit for that step. If you do not provide your own API key we will charge the cost + 20%.

For example:
If you are using "GPT3.5-Turbo 4k" and OpenAI charges $0.002 / 1k tokens.
a) If you don't have an API key. We will charge you 1.1 credit / $0.0022 / 1k tokens .
b) If you do have an API key. We will charge you 0 credit / $0 / 1k tokens.

If your tool uses 1k tokens, you are on business tier and you run the tool 1000x times.
- If you don't have an API key. We will charge you 2100 credits.
- If you do have an API key. We will charge you 1000 credits.

For bulk discounts speak with our team. Book a call now

Is the BDR agent included?

Multi-agent systems like the BDR agent is only available via our sales team. Book a call now

Do I need to enter a credit card to try Relevance AI?

No, Relevance AI’s free plan doesn't require a credit card.

How does Relevance AI protect my privacy

Your Project Information is confidential, even from Relevance AI. We are SOC 2 Type II compliant. Read more about  Relevance AI Security.