Builtwith: Domain

Builtwith: Domain is a robust tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into the current and historical technology stack of any website. By leveraging the Builtwith API, this tool delivers detailed information about the technologies a website uses, along with additional metadata where available. It is particularly useful for web developers, digital marketers, and data analysts who need to understand the technological landscape of websites for various purposes.


Builtwith: Domain is a robust tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into the current and historical technology stack of any website. By leveraging the Builtwith API, this tool delivers detailed information about the technologies a website uses, along with additional metadata where available. It is particularly useful for web developers, digital marketers, and data analysts who need to understand the technological landscape of websites for various purposes.

Who this tool is for

Web Developers: As a web developer, you can use Builtwith: Domain to analyze the tech stack of competitor websites or any site you are interested in. This can help you stay updated with the latest technologies being adopted in the industry and make informed decisions about the tools and frameworks to use in your own projects.

Digital Marketers: If you are a digital marketer, this tool can help you understand the technological environment of your target websites. By knowing what technologies are being used, you can tailor your marketing strategies more effectively. For instance, if a website uses a specific type of analytics tool, you can align your marketing campaigns to leverage similar tools for better tracking and optimization.

Data Analysts: As a data analyst, you can use Builtwith: Domain to gather historical technology data of websites. This information can be crucial for trend analysis, market research, and competitive analysis. By understanding the tech evolution of websites, you can derive insights that inform business strategies and decision-making processes.

How the tool works

Builtwith: Domain operates by interfacing with the Builtwith API to fetch and display technology information about a specified website. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input the Website URL and API Key: To start, you need to provide the URL of the website you want to analyze and your Builtwith API key. The API key can be obtained from the Builtwith website. This key is essential as it authenticates your requests to the Builtwith API.

  2. API Request Formation: Once you input the necessary details, the tool constructs an API request URL. This URL includes your API key and the website URL you provided. The request is formatted as follows: https://api.builtwith.com/v21/api.json?KEY=YOUR_API_KEY&LOOKUP=WEBSITE_URL.

  3. Fetching Data: The tool then sends a request to the Builtwith API using the constructed URL. The API processes this request and returns a JSON response containing detailed information about the technologies used by the specified website.

  4. Data Processing: Upon receiving the response, the tool processes the JSON data. This data includes both current and historical technology information, along with any additional metadata available. The tool ensures that the data is parsed correctly and is ready for display.

  5. Displaying Results: Finally, the processed data is displayed in a user-friendly format. You can view the technologies used by the website, including web servers, content management systems, analytics tools, and more. Historical data allows you to see how the website’s tech stack has evolved over time.


  • Access to both current and historical technology information of websites.
  • Comprehensive insights into a website's tech stack.
  • Additional metadata where available.
  • Ideal for web developers, digital marketers, and data analysts.
  • Leverages the Builtwith API for accurate and detailed data.

Additional use-cases

  • Analyzing competitor websites to understand their technology choices.
  • Tailoring marketing strategies based on the technological environment of target websites.
  • Conducting trend analysis and market research using historical technology data.
  • Making informed decisions about adopting new technologies by studying industry trends.
  • Enhancing business strategies with insights derived from tech stack analysis.

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