Categorize text

This tool leverages AI to effortlessly categorize text data using a predefined list of categories. It is ideal for market research and data analysis, ensuring accurate and relevant topic labeling. By automating the categorization process, it saves time and enhances the precision of data interpretation.


This tool leverages AI to effortlessly categorize text data using a predefined list of categories. It is ideal for market research and data analysis, ensuring accurate and relevant topic labeling. By automating the categorization process, it saves time and enhances the precision of data interpretation.

Who this tool is for

Market Researchers: If you are a market researcher, this tool can significantly streamline your data analysis process. You can use it to categorize customer feedback, survey responses, or social media mentions into predefined categories such as "Price," "Customer Service," and "Product Quality." This allows you to quickly identify trends and insights without manually sifting through large volumes of text data.

Data Analysts: As a data analyst, you can utilize this tool to organize and label text data from various sources. Whether you are working with customer reviews, support tickets, or open-ended survey responses, this tool helps you categorize the data into meaningful topics. This categorization enables you to perform more in-depth analyses and generate actionable insights.

Business Strategists: For business strategists, this tool is invaluable in understanding market sentiment and customer preferences. By categorizing feedback and comments into specific topics, you can identify areas of improvement and opportunities for innovation. This helps in making informed strategic decisions based on accurate and relevant data.

How the tool works

This tool operates through a series of steps designed to categorize text data accurately. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

First, you input the text data you want to categorize. This could be a single piece of text or multiple texts if you are running a bulk operation. The tool requires you to provide a predefined list of categories, also known as a taxonomy. Each category should be listed on a separate line to ensure clarity.

Next, the tool processes the taxonomy list. It creates a mapping of the categories, ensuring that each category is recognized and can be matched with the input text. This step involves cleaning and formatting the taxonomy to make it compatible with the AI model.

You then select the maximum number of categories that can be assigned to each piece of text. This helps in controlling the granularity of the categorization, ensuring that the text is not over-labeled.

The tool allows you to choose between different GPT models, such as GPT-3.5 or GPT-4. GPT-4 is recommended for higher accuracy. This selection determines the AI model that will be used for the categorization process.

The AI model analyzes the input text and matches it with the most relevant categories from the predefined list. It follows specific constraints to ensure that the categorization is accurate and relevant. For instance, it aligns the input text meaning with the topic meaning and avoids self-inference.

The tool then formats the selected topics into a JSON format, making it easy to parse and use in further analysis. This step ensures that the output is structured and can be integrated with other data processing tools.

Finally, the tool validates the selected topics against the predefined taxonomy. It ensures that only valid categories are included in the output. If no matching category is found, it labels the text under "Other Categories."


  • Accurate Topic Labeling: Ensures precise categorization of text data.
  • Time-Saving: Automates the categorization process, reducing manual effort.
  • Relevance: Labels topics based on predefined categories, ensuring relevance.
  • Flexibility: Allows selection of different AI models for varying accuracy needs.
  • Structured Output: Provides output in a JSON format for easy integration.

Additional use-cases

  • Categorizing customer feedback from online reviews.
  • Organizing support ticket data into specific issue categories.
  • Analyzing social media mentions to identify trending topics.
  • Sorting open-ended survey responses into relevant themes.
  • Grouping product feedback into categories for quality improvement analysis.

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