Extract categories in data - V2

The "Extract categories in data - V2" tool is designed to help you effortlessly identify recurring themes in text responses and generate concise summaries. This tool is particularly useful for researchers and analysts who need to categorize and summarize large volumes of text data from CSV files. By automating the process, it simplifies the task of handling extensive datasets, allowing you to focus on insights rather than data management.


The "Extract categories in data - V2" tool is designed to help you effortlessly identify recurring themes in text responses and generate concise summaries. This tool is particularly useful for researchers and analysts who need to categorize and summarize large volumes of text data from CSV files. By automating the process, it simplifies the task of handling extensive datasets, allowing you to focus on insights rather than data management.

Who this tool is for

Researchers: If you are a researcher dealing with large sets of qualitative data, this tool can significantly streamline your workflow. You can upload your CSV files containing text responses from surveys or interviews, and the tool will help you identify key themes and generate summaries. This allows you to quickly understand the main points and trends in your data without manually sifting through each response.

Data Analysts: As a data analyst, you often need to categorize and summarize text data to extract meaningful insights. This tool can automate the categorization process, making it easier for you to identify patterns and trends. By using this tool, you can save time and ensure that your analysis is thorough and accurate, leading to more reliable conclusions.

Market Researchers: If you are a market researcher, this tool can help you analyze customer feedback, reviews, or survey responses. By identifying recurring themes and summarizing them, you can gain a deeper understanding of customer sentiments and preferences. This can inform your marketing strategies and help you make data-driven decisions.

How the tool works

The "Extract categories in data - V2" tool operates through a series of automated steps designed to process your CSV file, identify themes, and generate summaries. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Upload CSV FileYou start by uploading your CSV file containing the text data you want to analyze. The tool requires you to specify the exact column name that contains the text for categorization. Ensure your CSV file is formatted correctly, with headers of no more than three to four words, an ID column, and saved in UTF-8 format.

  2. HousekeepingThe tool performs initial housekeeping tasks, such as cleaning the field name by replacing any non-alphanumeric characters with hyphens. It also prepares a list of URLs for the uploaded file and sets up iterations for processing the data.

  3. File CleaningThe tool uploads the cleaned file and prepares it for further processing. This step ensures that the data is in the correct format and ready for analysis.

  4. Batch ProcessingThe tool reads the cleaned file and extracts the text data from the specified column. It then shuffles the data and divides it into batches to ensure that the analysis covers a representative sample of the entire dataset. The tool stops reading once it reaches a word count of 30,000 to maintain efficiency.

  5. Theme IdentificationUsing a language model, the tool analyzes each batch of text data to identify recurring themes. It generates a JSON output containing the identified themes and their descriptions. This step is crucial as it ensures that all discussed topics in the responses are captured.

  6. Theme SummarizationThe tool consolidates the themes and descriptions from all batches. It merges themes that are near synonyms and finalizes the list of themes to be used for the coding task. The output is a JSON dictionary containing the themes and their descriptions.

  7. Final OutputThe tool generates a final summary of the themes and their descriptions. This summary is presented in a readable format, making it easy for you to understand the key points and trends in your data.


  • Simplifies the process of categorizing and summarizing large volumes of text data.
  • Saves time by automating the identification of recurring themes.
  • Ensures thorough and accurate analysis by capturing all discussed topics.
  • Provides clear and concise summaries, making it easier to understand the data.
  • Ideal for researchers, data analysts, and market researchers.

Additional use-cases

  • Analyzing customer feedback to identify common issues and areas for improvement.
  • Summarizing responses from open-ended survey questions to extract key insights.
  • Categorizing interview transcripts to identify recurring themes and trends.
  • Analyzing social media comments or reviews to understand public sentiment.
  • Summarizing qualitative data from focus groups to inform research findings.

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