Google playstore review analysis

The "Google Playstore Review Analysis" tool allows you to analyze and gain insights from recent Google Playstore app reviews by asking specific questions. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool is designed to help you understand user feedback and sentiment by leveraging the latest reviews of any app available on the Google Playstore. Whether you're a developer, marketer, or product manager, this tool can provide valuable insights to improve your app's performance and user satisfaction.


The "Google Playstore Review Analysis" tool allows you to analyze and gain insights from recent Google Playstore app reviews by asking specific questions. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool is designed to help you understand user feedback and sentiment by leveraging the latest reviews of any app available on the Google Playstore. Whether you're a developer, marketer, or product manager, this tool can provide valuable insights to improve your app's performance and user satisfaction.

Who this tool is for

App Developers: As an app developer, you can use this tool to understand what users are saying about your app. By asking specific questions, you can identify common issues, feature requests, or areas where users are experiencing difficulties. This information can guide your development efforts, helping you prioritize bug fixes and new features that will enhance user experience.

Product Managers: If you are a product manager, this tool can help you gather actionable insights from user reviews. By analyzing recent feedback, you can identify trends and patterns that inform your product roadmap. This ensures that your product development aligns with user needs and expectations, ultimately leading to a more successful app.

Marketers: As a marketer, understanding user sentiment is crucial for crafting effective marketing strategies. This tool allows you to ask targeted questions about user reviews, helping you gauge the overall perception of your app. You can use this information to highlight positive aspects in your marketing campaigns or address negative feedback proactively.

How the tool works

The "Google Playstore Review Analysis" tool operates through a series of steps designed to fetch and analyze recent app reviews. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

  1. Input the Playstore App ID and Your Question:To start, you need to provide the Playstore app ID of the app you want to analyze. This ID can be found in the app's URL on the Google Playstore. For example, the ID for Discord is "com.discord". Additionally, you need to input a specific question you want to ask about the recent reviews.

  2. Fetching Recent Reviews:The tool uses the google_play_scraper package to fetch the latest reviews for the specified app. It retrieves up to 10 of the most recent reviews, ensuring that the insights are based on the latest user feedback. The reviews are sorted by their recency to provide the most current data.

  3. Processing the Reviews:Once the reviews are fetched, the tool extracts the content of each review. This step involves parsing the review data to focus on the textual feedback provided by users.

  4. Analyzing the Reviews:The extracted review content is then passed to a language model (OpenAI GPT-3.5) for analysis. The model is prompted with the reviews and the specific question you provided. It processes the information and generates an answer based on the content of the reviews.

  5. Output the Answer:Finally, the tool outputs the answer generated by the language model. This answer is based on the analysis of the recent reviews and provides insights related to your specific question.


  • Gain actionable insights from recent user reviews.
  • Identify common issues and feature requests.
  • Understand user sentiment and perception.
  • Prioritize development efforts based on user feedback.
  • Inform marketing strategies with real user data.

Additional use-cases

  • Identifying and addressing common bugs reported by users.
  • Gathering feedback on new features or updates.
  • Understanding the reasons behind user ratings and reviews.
  • Monitoring changes in user sentiment over time.
  • Comparing user feedback across different versions of the app.

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