Run SQL on Relevance data

The "Run SQL on Relevance data" tool allows you to execute SQL queries directly on datasets stored within Relevance's knowledge base. This tool is designed to harness the power of SQL for extracting, manipulating, and analyzing data, making it an invaluable asset for data analysts and developers who need to perform complex queries and data transformations.


The "Run SQL on Relevance data" tool allows you to execute SQL queries directly on datasets stored within Relevance's knowledge base. This tool is designed to harness the power of SQL for extracting, manipulating, and analyzing data, making it an invaluable asset for data analysts and developers who need to perform complex queries and data transformations.

Who this tool is for

Data Analysts: If you are a data analyst, this tool enables you to dive deep into Relevance's datasets to uncover insights and trends. You can perform complex queries to filter, aggregate, and analyze data, helping you to make data-driven decisions and generate comprehensive reports.

Developers: As a developer, you can leverage this tool to integrate SQL querying capabilities into your applications. This allows you to dynamically fetch and manipulate data from Relevance's knowledge base, enabling you to build more robust and data-driven applications.

Business Intelligence Professionals: For business intelligence professionals, this tool provides the ability to run sophisticated SQL queries to extract actionable insights from large datasets. You can transform raw data into meaningful information that supports strategic planning and decision-making processes.

How the tool works

This tool operates by allowing you to input a SQL query and a dataset name, which it then uses to fetch and process data from Relevance's knowledge base. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input SQL Query and Dataset Name:You start by providing the SQL query you want to run and the name of the dataset you wish to query. The SQL query should use {table} as a placeholder for the dataset name.

  2. Fetch Data from Relevance:The tool connects to Relevance's API to fetch the data from the specified dataset. It does this by making a series of API calls to retrieve the data in pages, ensuring that even large datasets can be handled efficiently.

  3. Load Data into DuckDB:Once the data is fetched, it is loaded into an in-memory DuckDB instance. DuckDB is a high-performance database management system designed for analytical queries, making it ideal for this use case.

  4. Execute SQL Query:The tool then replaces the {table} placeholder in your SQL query with the actual dataset name and executes the query against the data loaded into DuckDB. This allows you to perform any SQL operations supported by DuckDB, including complex joins, aggregations, and transformations.

  5. Return Results:Finally, the results of the SQL query are fetched and returned to you. This allows you to immediately see the output of your query and use it for further analysis or reporting.


  • Ease of Use: Run SQL queries directly on Relevance's datasets without needing to export data.
  • Powerful Data Manipulation: Leverage SQL to perform complex data transformations and analyses.
  • Efficiency: Handle large datasets efficiently with paginated data fetching and in-memory processing.
  • Integration: Easily integrate SQL querying capabilities into your applications.

Additional use-cases

  • Generating detailed reports by aggregating and filtering data.
  • Building data-driven applications that require dynamic data fetching and manipulation.
  • Conducting exploratory data analysis to uncover hidden patterns and insights.
  • Transforming raw data into structured formats for further processing or visualization.
  • Automating data extraction and transformation tasks as part of a larger data pipeline.

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