Export Knowledge

The "Export Knowledge" tool is designed to help you export your data tables effortlessly. Whether you need a wide format for categorization results or a regular CSV, this tool provides a seamless solution for exporting your knowledge sets. It simplifies the process of converting your data into a usable format, making it easier to analyze and share.


The "Export Knowledge" tool is designed to help you export your data tables effortlessly. Whether you need a wide format for categorization results or a regular CSV, this tool provides a seamless solution for exporting your knowledge sets. It simplifies the process of converting your data into a usable format, making it easier to analyze and share.

Who this tool is for

Data Analysts: If you are a data analyst, you often need to export data for further analysis or reporting. With the "Export Knowledge" tool, you can easily export your data tables in a format that suits your needs. Whether you need a wide format for categorization results or a regular CSV, this tool ensures that you can quickly and efficiently get the data you need.

Researchers: As a researcher, you frequently work with large datasets that need to be categorized and analyzed. The "Export Knowledge" tool allows you to export your knowledge sets in a wide format, making it easier to categorize and analyze your data. This tool helps you save time and focus on your research by providing a seamless solution for data export.

Business Analysts: If you are a business analyst, you need to export data for various business reports and presentations. The "Export Knowledge" tool enables you to export your data tables in a regular CSV format, making it easy to integrate with other tools and software. This tool helps you streamline your workflow and ensures that you have the data you need for your business analysis.

How the tool works

The "Export Knowledge" tool operates through a series of steps to ensure that your data is exported correctly and efficiently. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide explaining exactly what it does:

  1. Input Knowledge Set and Export Type: You start by providing the name of the knowledge set you want to export and specifying the type of export you need. You can choose between a wide format for categorization results or a regular CSV.

  2. Clean Dataset ID: The tool then processes the knowledge set name to create a clean dataset ID. This involves converting the name to lowercase, removing any spaces, and replacing non-alphanumeric characters with underscores.

  3. Check Dataset Existence: The tool checks if the specified knowledge set exists in the database. If the knowledge set is not found, it returns a message indicating that the knowledge set was not found and prompts you to check the spelling and try again.

  4. Retrieve Dataset Metadata: If the knowledge set exists, the tool retrieves the metadata for the dataset. This metadata includes information about the fields and columns in the dataset.

  5. Identify Categorization Column (if applicable): If you selected the wide format for categorization, the tool identifies the column that best matches the categorization field you specified. It uses a language model to match the provided field name with the columns in the dataset.

  6. One-Hot Encoding (if applicable): For wide format exports, the tool performs one-hot encoding on the specified categorization column. This process converts categorical data into a binary matrix, making it easier to analyze and categorize.

  7. Export Data to CSV: The tool then exports the data to a CSV file. It generates a unique file name and saves the data in the specified format.

  8. Generate Download Link: Finally, the tool uploads the CSV file to a temporary storage location and generates a download link. You can use this link to download the exported CSV file.


  • Effortless data export in both wide format and regular CSV.
  • Seamless solution for exporting knowledge sets.
  • Saves time and simplifies the data export process.
  • Ensures data is in a usable format for analysis and sharing.

Additional use-cases

  • Exporting categorized research data for academic publications.
  • Preparing business reports with categorized data for presentations.
  • Analyzing large datasets for market research and trend analysis.

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