Audio Transcription + High level analysis

The "Audio Transcription + High Level Analysis" tool is designed to transcribe audio files, providing speaker labels and timestamps, and optionally perform high-level analysis such as topic identification, quote extraction, and summary generation. This tool is ideal for businesses and professionals who need to convert audio content into text and derive meaningful insights from it efficiently.


The "Audio Transcription + High Level Analysis" tool is designed to transcribe audio files, providing speaker labels and timestamps, and optionally perform high-level analysis such as topic identification, quote extraction, and summary generation. This tool is ideal for businesses and professionals who need to convert audio content into text and derive meaningful insights from it efficiently.

Who this tool is for

1. Market Researchers: If you are a market researcher, you can use this tool to transcribe interviews and focus group discussions. The high-level analysis feature will help you identify key themes and extract relevant quotes, making it easier to compile reports and presentations.

2. Customer Support Managers: As a customer support manager, you can transcribe customer calls to analyze common issues and sentiments. The tool's ability to summarize themes and extract quotes will help you understand customer pain points and improve service quality.

3. Content Creators: If you are a content creator, you can transcribe podcasts or video content to create written versions for your audience. The high-level analysis can help you identify key topics and quotes, which can be used for promotional materials or blog posts.

How the tool works

This tool operates in a series of steps to transcribe audio and perform high-level analysis. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

First, you upload your audio or video file to the tool. The file URL is required to start the transcription process. You can choose between two analysis options: "Only transcribe" or "Transcribe and further analysis." If you select "Transcribe and further analysis," you can also choose to exclude the first speaker, typically the moderator or interviewer, from the analysis.

1. Transcription Process: The tool uses two different models for transcription: "Deepgram (Default)" and "Advanced." Depending on your selection, the tool will process the audio file to generate a text transcription with speaker labels and timestamps. The "Deepgram (Default)" model includes diarization, which identifies and separates different speakers in the audio.

2. Full Transcription: After the initial transcription, the tool compiles the text into a readable format. If you chose the "Deepgram (Default)" model, it will return the transcript from the first channel's alternatives. For the "Advanced" model, it will return the text directly.

3. Data Cleaning and Structuring: The tool then processes the transcription to clean and structure the data. It organizes the text into paragraphs, including speaker labels and timestamps. If you opted to exclude the first speaker, the tool will filter out their contributions from the analysis.

4. High-Level Analysis (Optional): If you selected "Transcribe and further analysis," the tool will identify main themes and topics from the transcription. It uses a prompt to focus on extracting concise themes without lengthy explanations.

5. Quote Extraction and Summary Generation: The tool then extracts relevant quotes and generates a summary based on the identified themes. It ensures that quotes are taken directly from the transcription and includes timestamps for reference.

6. Final Output: The final output includes the full transcription with speaker labels and timestamps, and if further analysis was selected, a summary and extracted quotes organized by themes.


  • Consistency at scale: Ensures uniform transcription and analysis across large volumes of audio data.
  • Better ROI: Reduces the need for manual transcription and analysis, saving time and resources.
  • 24x7 Operation: The tool can operate continuously, providing results without downtime.
  • Customization and Scalability: Easy to scale and customize with no-code and flow builders, and integration capabilities.

Additional use-cases

  • Analyzing customer feedback from recorded calls to identify common issues and areas for improvement.
  • Transcribing and summarizing board meetings or team discussions for easy reference and action points.
  • Creating written content from podcasts or video interviews to expand audience reach and engagement.

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