Linear: Retrieve recent tickets

The "Linear: Retrieve recent tickets" tool is designed to help you efficiently fetch recent tickets from your Linear project management system. This tool is particularly useful for teams that need to stay updated on the latest issues and tasks without manually sifting through the Linear interface. By automating the retrieval process, it saves time and ensures that you have the most current information at your fingertips.


The "Linear: Retrieve recent tickets" tool is designed to help you efficiently fetch recent tickets from your Linear project management system. This tool is particularly useful for teams that need to stay updated on the latest issues and tasks without manually sifting through the Linear interface. By automating the retrieval process, it saves time and ensures that you have the most current information at your fingertips.

Who this tool is for

1. Project Managers: As a project manager, you can use this tool to quickly gather the latest tickets assigned to your team. This allows you to stay on top of project progress, identify any bottlenecks, and ensure that tasks are being completed on schedule. By having immediate access to recent tickets, you can make more informed decisions and keep your team aligned with project goals.

2. Customer Support Managers: If you manage a customer support team, this tool can help you retrieve the most recent support tickets. This enables you to monitor ongoing issues, prioritize urgent requests, and ensure that your team is providing timely and effective support. By automating ticket retrieval, you can focus more on resolving customer issues rather than managing administrative tasks.

3. Operations Managers: As an operations manager, you can use this tool to keep track of operational tasks and issues that need attention. By retrieving recent tickets, you can ensure that all operational activities are running smoothly and address any problems before they escalate. This helps in maintaining operational efficiency and consistency across your organization.

How the tool works

The "Linear: Retrieve recent tickets" tool automates the process of fetching recent tickets from your Linear project management system. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input Parameters:First, you need to provide three key pieces of information: the team name, the number of tickets you want to retrieve, and your Linear API key. These inputs are essential for the tool to access the correct data from your Linear account.

  2. API Key Authorization:The tool uses your Linear API key to authenticate and authorize access to your Linear account. This ensures that the data retrieval process is secure and that only authorized users can access the information.

  3. Fetching Team IDs:The tool sends a request to the Linear API to fetch all team IDs associated with your account. It then matches the provided team name with the fetched team IDs to identify the correct team. If the team name does not match any of the fetched IDs, the tool raises an exception indicating that the team name was not found.

  4. Retrieving Tickets:Once the correct team ID is identified, the tool constructs a GraphQL query to fetch the specified number of recent tickets for that team. This query is then sent to the Linear API, which returns the requested ticket data.

  5. Output:The tool processes the response from the Linear API and extracts the relevant ticket information, including ticket IDs, titles, and descriptions. This data is then returned in a structured format, making it easy for you to review and act upon the latest tickets.


  • Consistency at scale: Ensures that you have up-to-date information consistently, regardless of the number of tickets or teams.
  • Better ROI: Saves time and resources by automating the ticket retrieval process, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.
  • 24x7 Operation: The tool operates around the clock, ensuring that you can retrieve the latest tickets at any time.
  • Easy to scale and customize: The tool can be easily scaled to handle more teams or tickets as your needs grow.

Additional use-cases

  • Monitoring the progress of ongoing projects and identifying any delays or issues.
  • Prioritizing customer support tickets based on urgency and ensuring timely responses.
  • Keeping track of operational tasks and addressing any issues that arise promptly.
  • Generating reports on recent tickets for team meetings or performance reviews.
  • Automating the retrieval of tickets for daily stand-up meetings to keep the team informed.

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