GPT on my files

"GPT on my files" is a powerful tool designed to help you get answers to your questions from various file types, including PDFs, CSVs, and audio files. By leveraging the capabilities of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), this tool extracts and processes the content of your files to provide accurate and relevant answers to your queries. Whether you're a researcher, a data analyst, or a student, this tool can significantly streamline your information retrieval process.


"GPT on my files" is a powerful tool designed to help you get answers to your questions from various file types, including PDFs, CSVs, and audio files. By leveraging the capabilities of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), this tool extracts and processes the content of your files to provide accurate and relevant answers to your queries. Whether you're a researcher, a data analyst, or a student, this tool can significantly streamline your information retrieval process.

Who this tool is for

Researchers: If you are a researcher, you often deal with large volumes of academic papers, reports, and datasets. With "GPT on my files," you can upload your PDFs or CSV files and ask specific questions about the content. This tool will help you quickly find the information you need, saving you time and effort in sifting through extensive documents.

Data Analysts: As a data analyst, you frequently work with CSV files containing complex datasets. This tool allows you to upload your CSV files and ask questions about the data. For example, you can inquire about trends, anomalies, or specific data points, and the tool will provide you with precise answers, making your data analysis more efficient.

Students: If you are a student, you often need to review lecture notes, textbooks, and audio recordings of classes. By using "GPT on my files," you can upload these materials and ask questions to clarify concepts or find specific information. This tool will help you study more effectively by providing quick and accurate answers to your academic queries.

How the tool works

"GPT on my files" operates through a straightforward process that involves uploading your files and asking questions. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Upload FilesTo begin, you need to upload the files you want to inquire about. The tool supports various file types, including PDFs, CSVs, and audio files. When you upload a file, the tool automatically extracts the text content from it, making it ready for processing.

  2. Ask a QuestionOnce your file is uploaded, you can input a question related to the content of the file. This question can be about any specific detail or general information you are looking for. The tool is designed to handle short text inputs, making it easy for you to frame your queries.

  3. Trigger GPT via LLM StepAfter you have uploaded your file and entered your question, the tool sends the extracted file content and your question to GPT via the LLM (Large Language Model) step. This involves constructing a special prompt that includes variables like {{params.file_text}} to feed different types of prompt templates. The GPT model then processes the information and generates an answer based on the context provided by your file and question.

  4. Receive Your AnswerThe final step is receiving the answer generated by GPT. The tool presents the answer in a clear and concise manner, allowing you to quickly understand and utilize the information. You can customize the prompt for your specific use case to get the most relevant answers.


  • Efficient Information Retrieval: Quickly get answers to your questions from large volumes of text and data.
  • Versatile File Support: Works with PDFs, CSVs, and audio files, making it suitable for various types of content.
  • Time-Saving: Reduces the time spent manually searching through documents and datasets.
  • Accurate Responses: Leverages advanced GPT technology to provide precise and relevant answers.

Additional use-cases

  • Extracting key insights from academic papers.
  • Identifying trends and patterns in large datasets.
  • Clarifying complex concepts from lecture notes or textbooks.
  • Summarizing lengthy reports or documents.
  • Analyzing survey results or research data.
  • Reviewing and understanding financial statements.
  • Preparing for exams by querying study materials.

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