Research a company and find leads

The "Research a company and find leads" tool is designed to streamline the process of gathering information about a company and identifying key contacts within that organization. This tool is particularly useful for sales and marketing professionals who need to quickly and efficiently gather actionable insights about potential clients or partners. By automating the search and extraction process, it saves time and ensures that you have the most relevant information at your fingertips.


The "Research a company and find leads" tool is designed to streamline the process of gathering information about a company and identifying key contacts within that organization. This tool is particularly useful for sales and marketing professionals who need to quickly and efficiently gather actionable insights about potential clients or partners. By automating the search and extraction process, it saves time and ensures that you have the most relevant information at your fingertips.

Who this tool is for

Sales Representatives: If you are a sales representative, this tool can help you identify potential leads within a target company. By entering the company name and the role you are interested in, you can quickly find the right person to contact, complete with their LinkedIn profile and a summary of the company. This allows you to tailor your pitch and approach more effectively.

Marketing Managers: As a marketing manager, you can use this tool to gather detailed information about potential partners or competitors. By understanding the key players and their roles within a company, you can better strategize your marketing campaigns and partnership opportunities. The tool provides a comprehensive summary of the company, helping you to align your marketing efforts with the right stakeholders.

Recruiters: For recruiters, this tool is invaluable in identifying potential candidates for specific roles within a company. By inputting the company name and the desired role, you can quickly find relevant profiles and gather insights about the company’s operations. This helps you to better understand the company culture and the specific requirements of the role, making your recruitment process more efficient.

How the tool works

The tool operates through a series of automated steps designed to gather and process information from various online sources. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

  1. Input Company Name and Role:You start by entering the name of the company and the specific role you are interested in. This sets the parameters for the search.

  2. Google Search for LinkedIn Profiles:The tool performs a Google search to find LinkedIn profiles that match the specified role within the target company. It uses the search query format: "Company Name Role's LinkedIn".

  3. Extract Key Information:From the search results, the tool extracts the most relevant LinkedIn profile that matches the specified role. It filters out the key information and presents it in a JSON format, including the person's name, role, and LinkedIn URL.

  4. Google Search for Company Website:Next, the tool conducts another Google search to find the official website of the target company. It uses the search query format: "Company Name website".

  5. Extract Company Website URL:From the search results, the tool identifies and extracts the URL of the company’s official website.

  6. Scrape Website Content:The tool then scrapes the content of the company’s website to gather detailed information about what the company does.

  7. Generate Company Summary:Using the scraped website content, the tool generates a concise summary of the company’s operations, providing you with a clear understanding of what the company does.

  8. Output Results:Finally, the tool compiles all the gathered information into a structured output. This includes the name and LinkedIn URL of the relevant contact, the company’s website URL, and a summary of the company’s operations.


  • Consistency at scale: Automates the process of gathering and verifying information, ensuring consistent results.
  • Better ROI: Saves time and resources by streamlining the research process, allowing you to focus on higher-value tasks.
  • End-to-end task completion on autopilot: From searching to extracting and summarizing, the tool handles the entire process.
  • Operates 24x7: The tool can be used at any time, providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Easier to scale and customize: The no-code builder and integrations make it easy to adapt the tool to your specific needs.

Additional use-cases

  • Identifying potential partners within a target company for strategic alliances.
  • Gathering competitive intelligence by researching key players in competitor companies.
  • Preparing for business meetings by understanding the roles and responsibilities of attendees.
  • Enhancing recruitment strategies by identifying and understanding potential candidates.
  • Tailoring marketing campaigns based on detailed insights about target companies and their key stakeholders.

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