Extract topics from interview transcripts

The "Extract topics from interview transcripts" tool is designed to help you quickly identify and categorize the main themes and topics within transcribed audio or video data. This tool leverages AI to streamline the process of analyzing large volumes of text, making it easier to extract meaningful insights. It is particularly useful for researchers, customer service managers, and marketing professionals who need to distill key points from extensive interviews or discussions.


The "Extract topics from interview transcripts" tool is designed to help you quickly identify and categorize the main themes and topics within transcribed audio or video data. This tool leverages AI to streamline the process of analyzing large volumes of text, making it easier to extract meaningful insights. It is particularly useful for researchers, customer service managers, and marketing professionals who need to distill key points from extensive interviews or discussions.

Who this tool is for

Researchers: If you are a researcher, this tool can significantly reduce the time you spend manually sifting through interview transcripts. By automatically identifying the main categories, themes, and topics, you can focus more on analyzing the data and drawing meaningful conclusions. For example, if you are conducting a study on customer satisfaction, you can use this tool to quickly identify recurring themes such as "service quality," "product features," and "pricing."

Customer Service Managers: As a customer service manager, you can use this tool to analyze customer feedback and support call transcripts. By extracting key topics, you can identify common issues and areas for improvement. This allows you to address customer concerns more effectively and improve overall service quality. For instance, you can set the tool to focus on themes like "response time," "agent behavior," and "issue resolution."

Marketing Professionals: If you are in marketing, this tool can help you understand customer sentiment and preferences by analyzing focus group discussions or customer interviews. By identifying the main topics, you can tailor your marketing strategies to better meet customer needs. For example, you can use the tool to extract themes related to "brand perception," "advertising effectiveness," and "product usability."

How the tool works

This tool operates through a series of well-defined steps to extract and present the main topics from your transcribed data. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

  1. Input Transcription: You start by providing the transcription of your audio or video data. This is a required field and forms the basis for the entire analysis. The transcription should be a long text format, capturing all the spoken content you want to analyze.

  2. Set Parameters: Next, you configure the parameters for the analysis. You can specify the maximum word count per category, theme, or topic, which helps in keeping the extracted topics concise. Additionally, you can set the maximum number of categories, themes, or topics to be extracted from the transcription. This allows you to control the granularity of the analysis.

  3. Define Objective: You then define the objective or focus for the categorization. This could be anything from "Customer service" to "Things that went well." The objective helps the AI to tailor its analysis to your specific needs, ensuring that the extracted topics are relevant to your focus area.

  4. AI Processing: The tool uses an AI model to process the transcription. The AI is designed to identify the main themes and topics discussed in the interview, adhering to the constraints and goals you’ve set. It ensures that the topics are not wordy or redundant and that they fit within the specified word count.

  5. Output Generation: The AI generates a list of topics in JSON format. This format is easy to parse and can be used for further analysis or reporting. The tool ensures that the output is structured and can be easily interpreted by other software or by humans.

  6. Topic Presentation: Finally, the tool presents the extracted topics in a readable format. Each topic is listed clearly, allowing you to quickly grasp the main points discussed in the transcription. This step involves transforming the JSON output into a more user-friendly format.


  • Consistency at scale: Ensures uniform analysis across large volumes of data.
  • Better ROI: Saves time and resources by automating the topic extraction process.
  • 24x7 Operation: The tool can be used anytime, providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Customization: Easily adjustable parameters to fit specific needs and objectives.

Additional use-cases

  • Analyzing customer feedback from surveys.
  • Extracting key points from focus group discussions.
  • Identifying common themes in product reviews.
  • Summarizing main topics from team meetings or brainstorming sessions.
  • Categorizing issues reported in customer support tickets.

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