Survey generator

The Survey Generator is a powerful tool designed to create survey questions based on specific criteria. It allows you to set the context, define the goal, and specify the number of questions you need. This tool is ideal for anyone looking to gather targeted feedback or insights efficiently. Whether you're conducting market research, evaluating customer experience, or assessing employee satisfaction, the Survey Generator can streamline the process and ensure you get the most relevant questions for your needs.


The Survey Generator is a powerful tool designed to create survey questions based on specific criteria. It allows you to set the context, define the goal, and specify the number of questions you need. This tool is ideal for anyone looking to gather targeted feedback or insights efficiently. Whether you're conducting market research, evaluating customer experience, or assessing employee satisfaction, the Survey Generator can streamline the process and ensure you get the most relevant questions for your needs.

Who this tool is for

Customer Experience Managers: If you are a Customer Experience Manager, you can use this tool to generate survey questions that help you understand your customers' needs and preferences better. By setting the context to focus on customer experience and defining your goal to measure satisfaction or identify areas for improvement, you can quickly create a set of questions that will provide valuable insights into how your customers perceive your service.

Market Researchers: As a Market Researcher, you can leverage this tool to design surveys that capture market trends, consumer behavior, and product feedback. By specifying the context of your research and the goal, such as understanding market demand or gauging product reception, you can generate precise questions that will help you gather the data needed to make informed decisions.

Human Resources Professionals: If you are in Human Resources, this tool can assist you in creating surveys to measure employee engagement, satisfaction, or training needs. By setting the context to focus on employee experience and defining your goal to understand their priorities or areas for development, you can generate questions that will help you improve workplace culture and employee retention.

How the tool works

The Survey Generator operates by taking user-defined parameters and generating a set of survey questions tailored to those specifications. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Set the Context:Begin by defining the context of your survey. This involves specifying what kind of product, event, or research the survey is for. For example, you might set the context to "survey customer experience leaders on what use cases they would like to enhance with AI." This step ensures that the questions generated are relevant to the specific area you are focusing on.

  2. Define the Goal:Next, you need to articulate the goal of your survey. This could be to measure engagement, gather feedback, or understand priorities. For instance, you might set the goal to "understand the use cases for customer experience and their priorities." Clearly defining the goal helps the tool generate questions that are aligned with your objectives.

  3. Specify the Number of Questions:Decide how many survey questions you need. You can specify any number, depending on the depth of information you wish to gather. For example, you might choose to generate three questions to keep the survey concise and focused.

  4. Generate the Questions:Once you have set the context, defined the goal, and specified the number of questions, the tool uses these parameters to generate a tailored set of survey questions. The questions are designed to be relevant and insightful, helping you achieve your survey objectives effectively.

By following these steps, the Survey Generator ensures that you get a set of well-crafted questions that are specific to your needs, saving you time and effort in the survey creation process.


  • Consistency at scale: Generate uniform and relevant survey questions quickly.
  • Better ROI: Save time and resources by automating the question generation process.
  • Customization: Tailor questions to specific contexts and goals, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

Additional use-cases

  • Designing customer satisfaction surveys to identify pain points and areas for improvement.
  • Creating market research surveys to understand consumer preferences and market trends.
  • Developing employee engagement surveys to measure job satisfaction and identify training needs.

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