Steam game review analysis

The "Steam game review analysis" tool allows you to analyze and gain insights from recent Steam game reviews by asking specific questions. Created by Jacky Koh, this tool is designed to help you delve into the feedback provided by players on Steam, offering a detailed understanding of their experiences and opinions. Whether you're a game developer, a market researcher, or a gaming enthusiast, this tool can provide valuable insights to inform your decisions and strategies.


The "Steam game review analysis" tool allows you to analyze and gain insights from recent Steam game reviews by asking specific questions. Created by Jacky Koh, this tool is designed to help you delve into the feedback provided by players on Steam, offering a detailed understanding of their experiences and opinions. Whether you're a game developer, a market researcher, or a gaming enthusiast, this tool can provide valuable insights to inform your decisions and strategies.

Who this tool is for

Game Developers: As a game developer, you can use this tool to understand what players are saying about your game. By asking specific questions, you can identify common issues, popular features, and areas for improvement. This feedback is crucial for making updates and enhancements that align with player expectations and improve overall satisfaction.

Market Researchers: If you are a market researcher, this tool can help you gather and analyze player sentiments about various games. By asking targeted questions, you can uncover trends, preferences, and pain points within the gaming community. This information can be used to inform market strategies, product development, and competitive analysis.

Gaming Enthusiasts: As a gaming enthusiast, you can use this tool to get a deeper understanding of the community's opinions on different games. Whether you're deciding on your next purchase or just curious about the general reception of a game, this tool can provide detailed insights based on recent reviews.

How the tool works

The "Steam game review analysis" tool operates through a series of steps designed to extract, process, and analyze Steam game reviews. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

  1. Input Steam ID and Question: You start by providing the Steam ID of the game you are interested in. This ID can be found in the game's Steam store URL. For example, for Portal 2, the Steam link is "" and the ID is 620. Along with the Steam ID, you also input the specific question you want the AI to answer about the game's reviews.

  2. Extract Steam ID: The tool first checks if the provided Steam ID is a URL or a numeric ID. If it's a URL, it extracts the numeric ID from it. This step ensures that the tool can correctly identify the game you are interested in.

  3. Fetch Reviews: Next, the tool makes an API call to Steam to fetch the reviews for the specified game. It retrieves up to 500 reviews, ensuring a comprehensive dataset for analysis. The reviews are filtered to include all types, languages, and purchase types to provide a broad perspective.

  4. Process Reviews: The fetched reviews are then processed to remove any non-ASCII characters, ensuring that the text is clean and readable. This step is crucial for accurate analysis and interpretation by the AI.

  5. Truncate Text: To manage the large volume of text, the reviews are truncated to a maximum of 15,000 tokens. This step ensures that the data is within the processing limits of the AI model while retaining as much relevant information as possible.

  6. AI Analysis: The processed and truncated reviews are then fed into an AI model (openai-gpt35-16k) along with your specific question. The AI analyzes the reviews and generates an answer based on the insights derived from the text.

  7. Output: Finally, the tool provides you with the answer to your question along with the reviews used for the analysis. This output allows you to see both the AI's interpretation and the raw data it was based on.


  • Gain detailed insights from recent Steam game reviews.
  • Ask specific questions to get targeted feedback.
  • Understand player sentiments and preferences.
  • Identify common issues and areas for improvement.
  • Inform game development and marketing strategies.

Additional use-cases

  • Identifying the most praised features of a game.
  • Understanding the reasons behind negative reviews.
  • Comparing player feedback across different games.
  • Analyzing trends in player preferences over time.
  • Gathering data for competitive analysis and benchmarking.

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