Simple Lead Scoring Tool

The Simple Lead Scoring Tool is designed to help sales teams quickly and efficiently evaluate the potential of a lead based on their email address. By leveraging LinkedIn data and a scoring algorithm based on company size, this tool provides a comprehensive lead score to prioritize outreach efforts. This tool is ideal for sales professionals who need to streamline their lead qualification process and focus on high-potential prospects.


The Simple Lead Scoring Tool is designed to help sales teams quickly and efficiently evaluate the potential of a lead based on their email address. By leveraging LinkedIn data and a scoring algorithm based on company size, this tool provides a comprehensive lead score to prioritize outreach efforts. This tool is ideal for sales professionals who need to streamline their lead qualification process and focus on high-potential prospects.

Who this tool is for

Sales Representatives: If you are a sales representative, this tool will help you prioritize your outreach efforts by providing a lead score based on the company size of your prospects. By simply entering an email address, you can quickly determine which leads are worth pursuing, allowing you to focus your time and energy on the most promising opportunities.

Sales Managers: As a sales manager, you can use this tool to evaluate the quality of leads your team is working on. By understanding the lead scores, you can allocate resources more effectively and ensure that your team is focusing on high-value prospects. This will help you improve your team's overall performance and achieve better sales results.

Marketing Professionals: If you are in marketing, this tool can help you assess the effectiveness of your lead generation campaigns. By scoring leads based on company size, you can identify which campaigns are attracting high-potential prospects and adjust your strategies accordingly. This will enable you to generate more qualified leads and improve your marketing ROI.

How the tool works

The Simple Lead Scoring Tool operates through a series of steps that enrich a lead's information and calculate a lead score based on company size. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input Email Address: You start by entering the prospect's email address into the tool. This is the only required input to begin the lead scoring process.

  2. Search LinkedIn URL: The tool performs a Google search query to find the LinkedIn profile associated with the provided email address. It uses the search query format "linkedin [prospect email address]" to locate relevant LinkedIn profiles.

  3. Extract LinkedIn URL: Once the search results are obtained, the tool uses a prompt to extract the most likely LinkedIn URL of the prospect. If multiple URLs are found, it selects the most relevant one.

  4. Retrieve LinkedIn Profile Data: With the LinkedIn URL, the tool retrieves the prospect's LinkedIn profile data. This includes information such as job title, company name, industry, country, and the number of employees at the company.

  5. Calculate Lead Score: The tool then calculates the lead score based on the number of employees at the prospect's company. The scoring formula is as follows:

    • 0 - 50 employees = 10 points
    • 51 to 100 employees = 15 points
    • 101 to 1000 employees = 25 points
    • 1001 to 10000 employees = 50 points
    • 10000+ employees = 100 points
  6. Output Lead Information: Finally, the tool outputs the enriched lead information in a JSON format. This includes the prospect's email address, job title, company name, company industry, country, number of employees, and the calculated lead score.


  • Efficient Lead Evaluation: Quickly assess the potential of leads based on company size.
  • Prioritize Outreach: Focus on high-potential prospects to maximize sales efforts.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage LinkedIn data for accurate lead scoring.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate sales resources effectively based on lead scores.
  • Improved Sales Performance: Enhance overall sales results by targeting high-value leads.

Additional use-cases

  • Identifying high-potential leads for targeted email campaigns.
  • Evaluating the quality of leads generated from different marketing channels.
  • Streamlining the lead qualification process for faster sales cycles.
  • Enhancing CRM data with enriched lead information.
  • Conducting market research to understand the distribution of leads across different company sizes.

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