Clean Text: Effortless Data Cleaning.

Keep your data neat and clean with Clean Text! Our workflow quickly and easily removes HTML tags, Markdown tags, and non-ascii characters from select text fields in your dataset. Keep your data looking great - try Clean Text today!
Enabling AI for the world’s best, from startups to publicly listed.

Quickly clean text.

Get rid of all the HTML tags, Markdown tags, and non-ascii characters quickly and easily with Clean Text!

Designed for every team

Our Clean Text feature helps you quickly and efficiently organize your text data by removing unwanted characters and formatting!

Unlock the power of your data and make the most of your text fields with Clean Text!

Try Clean Text today and start cleaning your text fields right away!

Bring your data to life. Start free.

With Relevance AI
Improved data accuracy – The workflow ensures that only relevant data is stored, resulting in improved accuracy and reliability of data.
Improved searchability – By removing HTML tags, Markdown tags, and non-ascii characters, the text fields of the dataset become more searchable and easier to pick out the important parts.
Increased efficiency – By automating the process of cleaning the text fields, you can save time and resources that would have been spent on manual clean up
Without Relevance AI
Improved data accuracy – The workflow ensures that only relevant data is stored, resulting in improved accuracy and reliability of data.
Poor searchability – Without the workflow, the text fields of the dataset will be difficult to search through, making it harder to find relevant information.
Low efficiency – Without the workflow, the process of cleaning the text fields would have to be done manually, taking up valuable time and resources.

Example use cases

Clean Text: Effortless Data Cleaning.

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