Discover powerful insights from your dataset with the Generate Insights based on Clusters workflow.
Automatically segment customers to send more targeted marketing campaigns: By using the Generate Insights based on Clusters workflow, businesses can automatically segment customers based on product preferences, purchase behavior, loyalty, geography or any other relevant criteria to send more personalized and effective marketing campaigns.
Automatically detect fraudulent activities: Businesses can use the Generate Insights based on Clusters workflow to automatically detect any fraudulent activities in their dataset, such as suspicious transactions or duplicate accounts.
Quickly identify trends in customer feedback: With the Generate Insights based on Clusters workflow, businesses can quickly identify trends in customer feedback and use that data to improve their product or services and better address customer needs.
Automatically extract key topics from large quantities of text data: By using the Generate Insights based on Clusters workflow, businesses can automatically extract key topics from large quantities of text data, such as customer feedback, social media posts, or survey responses, to discover interesting insights.