Unlock Word & Sentence Counts Instantly

Get an accurate word and sentence count with Extract Text Count, the easy-to-use workflow that helps you make sure your content is up to par! No more tedious manual counting - get accurate results in seconds!
Enabling AI for the world’s best, from startups to publicly listed.

Quickly count words/sentences.

Discover how Extract Text Count can help you quickly and easily count words and sentences in your text.

Designed for every team

Save time and effort by quickly and accurately counting words and sentences in your text with Extract Text Count.

Visualize and analyze your text's word and sentence count to unlock valuable insights.

Unlock the power of Extract Text Count and get the most out of your text, today!

Bring your data to life. Start free.

With Relevance AI
Streamline your document creation process and save time.
Easily identify and fix errors in your text.
Monitor the progress of your document creation process
Without Relevance AI
Streamline your document creation process and save time.
Risk making more errors in your text due to manual counting.
Have a less organized document creation process.

Example use cases

Unlock Word & Sentence Counts Instantly

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