Microsoft Azure: Form Recognizer OCR

The Microsoft Azure: Form Recognizer OCR tool is designed to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images and PDFs using Microsoft Azure's powerful Form Recognizer service. This tool allows you to extract text and structured data from documents, making it easier to automate data entry, document processing, and information retrieval tasks. It's particularly useful for businesses looking to streamline their operations and reduce manual labor associated with data extraction.


The Microsoft Azure: Form Recognizer OCR tool is designed to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images and PDFs using Microsoft Azure's powerful Form Recognizer service. This tool allows you to extract text and structured data from documents, making it easier to automate data entry, document processing, and information retrieval tasks. It's particularly useful for businesses looking to streamline their operations and reduce manual labor associated with data extraction.

Who this tool is for

Operations Managers: If you are an Operations Manager, you can use this tool to automate the extraction of data from invoices, receipts, and other business documents. This will save you time and reduce errors associated with manual data entry, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.

Data Analysts: As a Data Analyst, you can leverage this tool to quickly convert scanned documents and images into structured data formats. This will enable you to perform data analysis more efficiently, as you won't need to manually transcribe information from physical documents.

IT Professionals: If you are an IT Professional responsible for integrating various software solutions, this tool can help you automate the process of extracting data from documents and feeding it into your existing systems. This will improve the efficiency of your workflows and reduce the need for manual intervention.

How the tool works

This tool uses Microsoft Azure's Form Recognizer service to perform OCR on images and PDFs. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input the File URL: First, you need to provide the URL of the file you want to perform OCR on. This can be an image or a PDF document. The tool requires this URL to access the file and start the OCR process.

  2. Provide Azure OCR Credentials: You will need to input your Azure OCR Project ID and API Key. These credentials are necessary for authenticating your request with the Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer service.

  3. Send OCR Request: The tool sends a POST request to the Azure Form Recognizer API, including the file URL and your credentials. This request initiates the OCR process on the specified document.

  4. Polling for Results: After the initial request, the tool continuously polls the Azure API to check the status of the OCR process. This is done by sending GET requests to the operation location provided in the response headers of the initial request.

  5. Retrieve and Return Results: Once the OCR process is complete, the tool retrieves the results from the Azure API. If the document is successfully processed, the tool returns the extracted text and structured data. If there is an issue, it returns an error message indicating that the document couldn't be processed.


  • Consistency at scale: Automate data extraction to ensure consistent results across large volumes of documents.
  • Better ROI: Reduce manual labor and associated costs, improving your return on investment.
  • 24x7 Operation: The tool operates around the clock, allowing you to process documents at any time.
  • Easy to Scale and Customize: With no-code and flow builder options, you can easily scale and customize the tool to fit your specific needs.

Additional use-cases

  • Extracting data from customer feedback forms to analyze trends and sentiments.
  • Automating the processing of legal documents to quickly retrieve relevant information.
  • Converting handwritten notes into digital text for easier storage and retrieval.
  • Extracting data from shipping labels to automate logistics and inventory management.
  • Processing medical records to quickly access patient information and history.

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