Social Share for Custom Actions for GPT

The "Social Share for Custom Actions for GPT" tool is designed to help you create engaging social media posts about a custom GPT that you have developed. This tool simplifies the process of generating a concise, captivating post that highlights your GPT's features and capabilities, making it easy to share with your audience on social media platforms.


The "Social Share for Custom Actions for GPT" tool is designed to help you create engaging social media posts about a custom GPT that you have developed. This tool simplifies the process of generating a concise, captivating post that highlights your GPT's features and capabilities, making it easy to share with your audience on social media platforms.

Who this tool is for

Developers: If you are a developer who has created a custom GPT, this tool will help you craft a compelling social media post to showcase your creation. You can highlight the unique features and functionalities of your GPT, making it easier to attract users and gain feedback.

Marketers: As a marketer, you can use this tool to promote a custom GPT developed by your team. It allows you to generate a professional and engaging social media post that can drive traffic and interest to your GPT, helping you reach a broader audience.

Content Creators: If you are a content creator who has developed a custom GPT, this tool will assist you in creating a social media post that effectively communicates the value and capabilities of your GPT. This can help you engage with your followers and encourage them to try out your GPT.

How the tool works

This tool operates by taking the public URL of your custom GPT and generating a social media post that you can share. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input the GPT URL:You start by entering the public URL of your custom GPT into the tool. This URL is essential as it allows the tool to access and analyze the content of your GPT.

  2. Scrape the GPT Content:The tool uses a browserless scraping method to extract relevant information from the provided GPT URL. This step involves fetching the content of your GPT page, which includes descriptions, features, and any other pertinent details.

  3. Generate the Social Media Post:After scraping the content, the tool uses a prompt completion method to create a social media post. The prompt is designed to generate a first-person narrative that describes your GPT in an engaging way. The tool ensures that the post:

    • Removes any sign-up requirements or creator names that might be present.
    • Adds a note that the GPT was created using Custom Actions for GPTs by @relevanceai.
    • Incorporates relevant emojis to make the post more appealing.
    • Keeps the post within 140 characters (excluding the URL) to ensure it is concise and suitable for platforms like Twitter.
  4. Output the Social Media Post:The final step is the output of the generated social media post. The tool provides you with a ready-to-share post that includes a link to your GPT and a brief, engaging description of its features and benefits.


  • Effortless Social Media Content Creation: Quickly generate engaging social media posts without the need for extensive writing or editing.
  • Highlight Key Features: Effectively communicate the unique features and capabilities of your custom GPT.
  • Increase Visibility: Share your GPT with a broader audience, driving traffic and interest.
  • Professional Presentation: Ensure your social media posts are well-crafted and professional, enhancing your brand image.

Additional use-cases

  • Promoting a new feature or update to your custom GPT.
  • Announcing the launch of your custom GPT to your followers.
  • Sharing user testimonials or success stories related to your GPT.
  • Highlighting specific use-cases or applications of your GPT.
  • Engaging with your audience by asking for feedback or suggestions on your GPT.

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