Get feedback to webpage copy

This tool provides actionable feedback on your webpage's copy using AI. It helps you improve your content by identifying its strengths and weaknesses based on your specific goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your marketing efforts, boost user engagement, or refine your messaging, this tool offers valuable insights to elevate your webpage's effectiveness.


This tool provides actionable feedback on your webpage's copy using AI. It helps you improve your content by identifying its strengths and weaknesses based on your specific goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your marketing efforts, boost user engagement, or refine your messaging, this tool offers valuable insights to elevate your webpage's effectiveness.

Who this tool is for

1. Digital Marketers: As a digital marketer, you can use this tool to optimize your webpage's copy for better conversion rates. By inputting your webpage URL and specifying your goal, such as increasing user engagement or improving SEO, you receive targeted feedback that helps you refine your content to meet these objectives.

2. Content Creators: If you're a content creator, this tool can assist you in ensuring your copy resonates with your audience. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your content, you can make informed adjustments to enhance readability, engagement, and overall impact, ensuring your message is clear and compelling.

3. Business Owners: As a business owner, you can leverage this tool to ensure your website effectively communicates your brand's value proposition. By receiving AI-driven feedback, you can identify areas for improvement in your copy, helping you attract and retain customers by delivering a more persuasive and coherent message.

How the tool works

This tool operates through a series of steps designed to analyze your webpage's content and provide detailed feedback based on your specified goals. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input Your Webpage URL and Goal: Start by entering the URL of the webpage you want to analyze. Additionally, specify the goal you want the AI to focus on, such as improving user engagement, enhancing SEO, or refining your messaging.

  2. URL Normalization: The tool first ensures that the URL you provided is in the correct format. If your URL starts with "http://", it automatically converts it to "https://". If it doesn't start with either, it prepends "https://" to the URL. This step ensures that the URL is correctly formatted for the subsequent scraping process.

  3. Content Scraping: The tool then uses a browserless scraping method to extract the content from your webpage. This involves fetching the webpage and extracting the text content, which is then prepared for analysis.

  4. AI Analysis: The extracted content is fed into an AI model, specifically OpenAI's GPT-3.5, which analyzes the text based on the goal you specified. The AI generates both positive and negative feedback, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of your content in relation to your goal.

  5. Feedback Delivery: Finally, the tool compiles the AI-generated feedback and presents it to you. This feedback includes actionable insights that you can use to improve your webpage's copy, ensuring it aligns better with your objectives.


  • Actionable Insights: Receive specific, goal-oriented feedback to improve your webpage's copy.
  • Enhanced Content Quality: Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your content to make informed improvements.
  • Goal Alignment: Tailor your content to better meet your specific objectives, whether it's user engagement, SEO, or messaging clarity.

Additional use-cases

  • Refining product descriptions to boost sales.
  • Enhancing blog posts for better reader engagement.
  • Improving landing page copy to increase conversion rates.
  • Optimizing service pages for better SEO performance.
  • Polishing about us pages to better communicate brand values.

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