GPT on my website

"GPT on my website" is a sophisticated tool designed to provide you with informative and useful answers to any questions you have about a specific website. By utilizing advanced web scraping and natural language processing technologies, this tool extracts relevant content from the specified website and generates accurate responses to your queries. It is ideal for researchers, analysts, and anyone seeking detailed information from web sources.


"GPT on my website" is a sophisticated tool designed to provide you with informative and useful answers to any questions you have about a specific website. By utilizing advanced web scraping and natural language processing technologies, this tool extracts relevant content from the specified website and generates accurate responses to your queries. It is ideal for researchers, analysts, and anyone seeking detailed information from web sources.

Who this tool is for

Researchers: If you are a researcher, you can use this tool to gather detailed information from various websites without manually sifting through pages of content. Simply input the URL of the website and your specific question, and the tool will provide you with a concise and accurate answer. This can save you significant time and effort, allowing you to focus on analyzing the information rather than collecting it.

Analysts: As an analyst, you often need to extract specific data points or insights from multiple web sources. This tool can streamline your workflow by automatically scraping the relevant content from the website you specify and answering your targeted questions. This means you can quickly gather the data you need to make informed decisions and generate reports.

Content Creators: If you are a content creator, you can leverage this tool to gather background information or verify facts from various websites. By inputting the URL and your question, you can obtain accurate and detailed answers that can enhance the quality and credibility of your content. This tool helps you ensure that your content is well-researched and informative.

How the tool works

This tool operates through a series of steps designed to extract and process information from a specified website to answer your questions accurately. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input the Website URL and Question:You start by providing the URL of the website you wish to inquire about and the specific question you have. These inputs are essential as they guide the tool on where to scrape the data from and what information to look for.

  2. Web Scraping:The tool uses a transformation called "browserless_scrape" to extract content from the specified website. This step involves fetching the HTML content of the website and parsing it to identify relevant sections that might contain the answer to your question. The tool operates in a browserless environment, which means it can efficiently scrape data without the overhead of rendering the entire webpage.

  3. Content Processing:Once the content is scraped, the tool processes it using natural language processing (NLP) techniques. This involves analyzing the text to understand its context and relevance to your question. The tool leverages advanced NLP models to ensure that the extracted content is accurately interpreted.

  4. Generating the Answer:The processed content is then fed into a prompt completion model, specifically the "openai-gpt35-16k". This model uses the context provided by the scraped content to generate a precise and informative answer to your question. The prompt is designed to ensure that the answer is both useful and relevant.

  5. Delivering the Answer:Finally, the tool outputs the generated answer, providing you with a clear and concise response to your query. This entire process is automated, ensuring that you receive accurate information quickly and efficiently.


  • Provides accurate and informative answers to questions about specific websites.
  • Saves time by automating the process of web scraping and content analysis.
  • Utilizes advanced NLP models to ensure the relevance and accuracy of responses.
  • Ideal for researchers, analysts, and content creators seeking detailed web-based information.

Additional use-cases

  • Gathering competitive intelligence by analyzing competitor websites.
  • Verifying facts and figures for academic papers or reports.
  • Extracting customer reviews or testimonials from product pages.
  • Collecting data for market research and trend analysis.
  • Compiling information for creating detailed blog posts or articles.

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