Hackernews: Search

A tool that simplifies the process of searching for content on Hacker News by utilizing user-provided search queries.


Hackernews: Search is an automation tool that streamlines the task of finding specific content on Hacker News. It is designed to accept a search query from the user and then leverage the Hacker News Algolia API to fetch relevant results. The tool is part of a larger project and is accessible to the public, allowing anyone to use it for their search needs. It operates on a low-code AI workflow building platform, ensuring ease of use and integration into existing systems. The tool's workflow includes a transformation step that employs Python code to execute the search and clean the results by removing extraneous metadata, ensuring that users receive clear and concise information.

Use cases

Hackernews: Search can be particularly useful for researchers, journalists, and tech enthusiasts who are looking for the latest discussions and developments in specific technology domains. It can also aid developers and startup founders who want to keep an eye on emerging trends, competitor activities, or look for inspiration in user comments and feedback. Furthermore, it can serve as a tool for marketers and content creators to identify popular topics and gauge public interest in various tech-related subjects.


The primary benefit of using Hackernews: Search is its ability to provide quick and relevant search results from Hacker News without the user having to manually sift through articles and discussions. It saves time and increases efficiency by automating the search process and delivering clean data. Additionally, being hosted on a low-code platform, it reduces the technical barrier for users who may not have extensive coding knowledge, allowing a broader audience to benefit from its capabilities.

How it works

Upon receiving a search query, the tool initiates a Python script that sends an HTTP GET request to the Hacker News Algolia API with the query appended. The API responds with a JSON containing the search results, which the Python script processes by iterating over the results and stripping out the '_highlightResult' and '_tags' keys. This step is crucial for decluttering the data and presenting the user with only the most relevant information. The final output is a curated list of search results from Hacker News, neatly packaged under the key 'answer' and ready for the user to explore.

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