Escalate To Managers via Slack

The "Escalate To Managers via Slack" tool is designed to streamline the process of escalating critical issues to managers through Slack. This tool ensures that important matters receive prompt attention and resolution by sending notifications directly to the relevant managers. It is particularly useful for teams that rely on Slack for communication and need a quick and efficient way to highlight urgent issues.


The "Escalate To Managers via Slack" tool is designed to streamline the process of escalating critical issues to managers through Slack. This tool ensures that important matters receive prompt attention and resolution by sending notifications directly to the relevant managers. It is particularly useful for teams that rely on Slack for communication and need a quick and efficient way to highlight urgent issues.

Who this tool is for

Customer Support Agents

As a customer support agent, you often encounter issues that require immediate managerial intervention. This tool allows you to escalate these critical issues directly to your manager via Slack, ensuring they are addressed promptly. By using this tool, you can focus on resolving customer queries while knowing that urgent matters are being handled by the appropriate authority.

Sales Representatives

If you are a sales representative dealing with high-stakes prospects, timely communication with your manager is crucial. This tool enables you to escalate important information or issues about a prospect directly to your manager through Slack. This ensures that your manager is always in the loop and can provide the necessary support or intervention to close deals effectively.

Operations Managers

As an operations manager, you need to stay informed about critical issues that arise within your team. This tool allows your team members to escalate important matters directly to you via Slack. This ensures that you can promptly address any issues, maintain smooth operations, and support your team effectively.

How the tool works

The "Escalate To Managers via Slack" tool operates through a series of automated steps designed to ensure that critical issues are promptly escalated to the appropriate manager. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Gathering InformationThe tool starts by collecting essential information required for the escalation. This includes the prospect's email address, the subject line of the email, the original email thread, the agent's ID, and the conversation ID. These details are necessary to provide context to the manager about the issue being escalated.

  2. Fetching Organizational DetailsThe tool makes an API call to fetch organizational details such as the region code and project ID. This information is used to construct a trackable link that the manager can use to view the details of the issue directly.

  3. Constructing the Escalation MessageUsing JavaScript, the tool constructs a detailed escalation message. This message includes the prospect's email, the subject of the email, and a trackable link to the conversation. The message is formatted to ensure that the manager has all the necessary information to understand and address the issue promptly.

  4. Sending the Slack NotificationThe constructed message is then sent as a notification to the manager via Slack. The tool uses a predefined OAuth account to send the message, ensuring that it reaches the intended recipient without any manual intervention.

  5. Confirmation of EscalationFinally, the tool checks the status of the Slack message. If the message is successfully sent, it returns a confirmation that the escalation has been completed and the prospect has been taken care of. If the message fails to send, it prompts the user to try escalating the issue again.


  • Prompt Attention: Ensures critical issues are escalated to managers quickly.
  • Effortless Communication: Streamlines the process of notifying managers via Slack.
  • Contextual Information: Provides managers with all necessary details to address the issue.
  • Trackable Links: Includes links for managers to directly access the conversation details.

Additional use-cases

  • Escalating a high-priority customer complaint to ensure immediate resolution.
  • Notifying a manager about a potential sales opportunity that requires urgent attention.
  • Informing operations managers about system outages or critical operational issues.
  • Alerting managers about compliance or security issues that need prompt action.
  • Escalating feedback from key clients that require managerial review and response.

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