HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer

The HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer is a powerful tool designed to assess how compatible a job candidate is for a specific role by analyzing their LinkedIn profile against the job description. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool leverages advanced AI to provide a detailed, structured analysis that helps employers understand the alignment between a candidate's skills, experiences, and qualifications with the job requirements. This tool is particularly useful for HR professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters who need to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.


The HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer is a powerful tool designed to assess how compatible a job candidate is for a specific role by analyzing their LinkedIn profile against the job description. Created by Scott Henderson, this tool leverages advanced AI to provide a detailed, structured analysis that helps employers understand the alignment between a candidate's skills, experiences, and qualifications with the job requirements. This tool is particularly useful for HR professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters who need to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

Who this tool is for

HR Professionals: If you are an HR professional, this tool can significantly streamline your candidate evaluation process. By inputting the LinkedIn URL of a candidate and the job description, you can receive a comprehensive analysis that highlights the candidate's strengths and weaknesses in relation to the job. This allows you to make more informed decisions about which candidates to move forward in the hiring process.

Hiring Managers: As a hiring manager, you often have to sift through numerous resumes and profiles to find the right fit for your team. This tool can save you time by providing a detailed comparison of a candidate's LinkedIn profile against the job description. You can quickly see how well a candidate matches the role, helping you to focus on the most promising candidates.

Recruiters: For recruiters, matching the right candidate to the right job is crucial. This tool can enhance your ability to do so by offering a nuanced analysis of a candidate's LinkedIn profile. You can use this information to better understand the candidate's suitability for the role, making your recommendations to clients more accurate and valuable.

How the tool works

The HR: LinkedIn/Job Description Comparer operates through a series of steps that involve inputting data, crawling LinkedIn profiles, and generating a detailed analysis. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input Data: Start by entering the LinkedIn URL of the candidate you want to evaluate. This is a required field and ensures that the tool can access the candidate's professional profile. Next, input the job description for the role you are hiring for. This should be a detailed description that includes key skills, experiences, and qualifications required for the job.

  2. LinkedIn Profile Crawling: Once the data is inputted, the tool uses a transformation called "linkedin_crawl" to extract relevant information from the candidate's LinkedIn profile. This includes their work history, skills, endorsements, education, and any other pertinent details that can be found on their profile.

  3. Prompt Completion: After the LinkedIn data is gathered, the tool uses a prompt completion transformation to generate a detailed analysis. The AI model, specifically the openai-gpt35-16k, is tasked with comparing the job description against the candidate's LinkedIn data. The system prompt guides the AI to perform a structured analysis, which includes summarizing the job description, summarizing the candidate's resume, and providing a detailed comparison.

  4. Detailed Analysis: The AI generates a comprehensive report that includes several key sections:

    • Job Description Summary: A concise summary of the job description, highlighting the essential skills, experiences, and qualifications required.
    • Candidate's Resume Summary: An overview of the candidate's LinkedIn profile, summarizing their professional background.
    • Detailed Comparison: A point-by-point comparison of the job description and the candidate's profile, indicating where the candidate meets, exceeds, or falls short of the job requirements.
    • Compatibility Rating: An overall compatibility rating on a scale from 1 to 10, with a justification for the rating.
    • Recommendation: A final recommendation on whether the candidate should be considered for an interview, based on the analysis.
  5. Output and Review: The final analysis is presented in a clear, structured format that you can review. This allows you to quickly understand the candidate's suitability for the role and make informed decisions about the next steps in the hiring process.


  • Streamlined candidate evaluation process
  • Detailed, structured analysis of candidate profiles
  • Informed decision-making for hiring
  • Time-saving by automating profile comparisons
  • Enhanced accuracy in matching candidates to job requirements

Additional use-cases

  • Evaluating multiple candidates for a single role to identify the best fit.
  • Comparing internal candidates for promotion opportunities.
  • Assessing the suitability of candidates for different roles within the organization.
  • Providing detailed feedback to candidates on their job compatibility.
  • Enhancing the recruitment process by integrating AI-driven analysis.

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