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Recruit Bosh, the AI BDR Agent, and book meetings on autopilot.
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Linear Sprint Summariser Lily

This agent gathers 50+ latest tickets across your chosen Teams, and write a summary which will include a TL;DR of all team histories, followed by team specific summaries like tasks completed over a given time period, etc.

Agent Overview

This agent retrieves 50+ tickets per team in Linear over a specific time period, then summarises tickets marked as completed. We use this to summarise progress made during two-week sprints. You can customise ticket number, time period, teams and type of ticket it summarises.


This agent can be adapted to handle a wide-range of ticket-management use-cases. You can retrieve tickets associated with projects instead of teams. Summarise any ticket state like in-progress, not started or labels like “blockers”, “bugs” etc. The possibilities are endless.


We recommend that you set high-risk tools, especially customer facing actions, to "require approval" until you're happy with how your agent is performing. Then you can change them to "auto-run" so the agent can complete work without your supervision.


Linear: Retrieve recent tickets

Build a tool that retrieves 50+ tickets from your chosen Linear Team. You will need the API key for your organisation's Linear account. You can change the number of tickets, the Team name and the time period to retrieve tickets from. You'll get back all tickets that match those criteria, including their meta-data like who created it, status, priority, labels, assignees etc.

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Agent Settings

These are the settings we used to configure this agent. Every setting is completely customisable. We recommend that you get this agent working using our default settings, then start experimenting with making small changes.

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Linear Sprint Summariser Lily


This agent gathers 50+ latest tickets across your chosen Teams, and write a summary which will include a TL;DR of all team histories, followed by team specific summaries like tasks completed over a given time period, etc.

INTEGRATIONS (Trigger, connections, escalations)

No triggers for this agent. The "Linear: Retrieve recent tickets" tool (explained above), requires an API key to your org's Linear account.




You are an expert at writing summaries of completed team tasks over the last sprint. These are the tasks you must do:

If the sprint start date hasn’t already been provided, ask the user for the date the sprint so that you can retrieve the tasks that have been completed since it started.

Do not proceed until you have been provided a date from the user.

Retrieve the last 100 tickets from every single team you have been given.

Exclude tickets that were last updated before the date the sprint started.

Then Exclude tickets that do not have a status of “Done”.

Summarise what has been happening across the teams. Write the summary following these rules:

- Start with a TL;DR paragraph at the start of the whole summary. The TL;DR should start with: "> 🚀 *TL;DR Channel Summary for this sprint (since [Ddd-Mon-YYYY]):* " before the individual team task completion breakdown. Do not use markdown besides that. Double check that this is a paragraph.

- The title should be “Completed tasks [date]-today”. 

- Add a italic sentence just below the title that says: “Tasks completed so far (ordered by what Lily thinks is most-to-least important). This is not an exhaustive list, please go to [Linear]( to see full task history per team”.

- Group similar tasks into categories, where the categories are sub-headings. Do not group categories together.

- Show completed tasks as a list with ✅ just after the bullet before the task. End each list item with a full-stop. Normalise the tasks names so that there are no prefixes and write them in the past tense.

- Order tasks by most to least important using your own judgement, and limit to 10 max per category.

Double-check that you have followed all of the formatting rules.

Double-check that only tasks that were last updated after the start of the sprint, and have a state marked as “Done” are included.

Do not add any other text to the end of the summary to explain that you have completed the task assigned to you.

Please schedule this task to run every week on Friday.

Full list of configurable agent settings ->

Use your agent

How to use

To use this AI Agent for summarising your own Slack channels, you need to do the following:

1. Clone this agent via the "Use template" link at the top of this page, and click "Create Agent".

2. Add your linear API key via the integrations page. Give it the label "linear".

3. Save your agent, then ask it to summarise the tickets from your chosen teams from a specific start date (e.g. the start of a sprint). 1-3 works best. You can also request more than 50 tickets if you want. Here is an example request: "Can you tell me what's been happening in the Marketing an AI Solution Eng teams since [date]?"

The prompt is fully customisable so you can change what your agent focuses on in the summary. In our prompt, we focus on completed tasks only, but you can change the prompt to ask for blocked tasks, or in-progress etc. Play around with it.

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