Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR

The "Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR" tool is designed to help users seamlessly integrate PDF documents into their knowledge base by converting them into text using advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. This tool ensures high accuracy and relevance, making it ideal for operations that require precise document management and knowledge integration.


The "Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR" tool is designed to help users seamlessly integrate PDF documents into their knowledge base by converting them into text using advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. This tool ensures high accuracy and relevance, making it ideal for operations that require precise document management and knowledge integration.

Who this tool is for

1. Knowledge Managers: If you are responsible for maintaining and updating a company's knowledge base, this tool will be invaluable. You can easily convert PDF documents into text and integrate them into your knowledge sets, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and easily accessible.

2. Legal Professionals: As a legal professional, you often deal with a large number of PDF documents, such as contracts, case files, and legal briefs. This tool allows you to convert these documents into text, making it easier to search for specific information and integrate it into your legal knowledge base.

3. Researchers: If you are a researcher, you can use this tool to convert academic papers, reports, and other PDF documents into text. This makes it easier to organize and reference your research materials, ensuring that you have quick access to the information you need.

How the tool works

The "Add PDF To Knowledge Using OCR" tool operates through a series of well-defined steps to convert PDF documents into text and integrate them into your knowledge base. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Upload the PDF DocumentFirst, you need to provide the URL of the PDF document you want to convert. This is done by entering the file URL in the "File To Add" field. This step is crucial as it allows the tool to access the document that needs to be processed.

  2. Specify the Knowledge Set NameNext, you need to specify the name of the knowledge set where the converted text will be added. This is done by entering the name in the "Knowledge Set Name" field. This ensures that the text is integrated into the correct section of your knowledge base.

  3. Provide the File NameYou also need to provide a name for the file. This is done by entering the name in the "File Name" field. This helps in identifying the document within the knowledge base.

  4. Convert PDF to Text Using OCROnce the necessary information is provided, the tool uses advanced OCR technology to convert the PDF document into text. The OCR process is highly accurate, ensuring that the text extracted from the PDF is precise and reliable. The tool uses a "Slow & 99.9% accurate" OCR type to ensure the highest level of accuracy.

  5. Integrate Text into Knowledge BaseAfter the text is extracted, the tool makes an API call to integrate the text into the specified knowledge set. The text, along with the file name, is added to the knowledge base, making it easily accessible and searchable.


  • High Accuracy: Ensures that the text extracted from PDF documents is precise and reliable.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrates the converted text into your knowledge base.
  • Efficient Document Management: Ideal for operations that require precise document management and knowledge integration.
  • Time-Saving: Automates the process of converting and integrating PDF documents, saving you valuable time.

Additional use-cases

  • Converting and integrating training manuals into a company's knowledge base.
  • Extracting and organizing information from research papers for academic purposes.
  • Digitizing and managing historical documents for archival purposes.
  • Converting and integrating technical documentation for software development projects.
  • Extracting and organizing information from financial reports for analysis.

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