Linear: Create ticket

The "Linear: Create ticket" tool is designed to streamline the process of creating tickets in Linear, a popular project management software. By leveraging a custom API key, this tool automates ticket creation, making it easier for teams to manage tasks and track progress. This tool is particularly useful for tech companies looking to scale their operations without increasing headcount, as it allows for seamless task management and delegation.


The "Linear: Create ticket" tool is designed to streamline the process of creating tickets in Linear, a popular project management software. By leveraging a custom API key, this tool automates ticket creation, making it easier for teams to manage tasks and track progress. This tool is particularly useful for tech companies looking to scale their operations without increasing headcount, as it allows for seamless task management and delegation.

Who this tool is for

Revenue Operations Managers: If you're a Revenue Operations Manager, you can use this tool to automate the creation of tickets for various sales and revenue-related tasks. This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and that your team can focus on high-value activities rather than administrative tasks. By automating ticket creation, you can maintain consistency and efficiency in your operations.

Customer Support Operations Managers: As a Customer Support Operations Manager, you can use this tool to automatically generate tickets for customer issues, feature requests, or bug reports. This allows your support team to quickly address and resolve customer concerns, improving overall customer satisfaction. The tool ensures that all customer interactions are logged and tracked, providing a clear overview of support activities.

Marketing Operations Managers: For Marketing Operations Managers, this tool can be used to create tickets for campaign tasks, content creation, and performance tracking. By automating these processes, you can ensure that your marketing initiatives are executed smoothly and on time. This allows you to focus on strategy and creative aspects, while the tool handles the administrative workload.

How the tool works

The "Linear: Create ticket" tool automates the process of creating tickets in Linear by using a custom API key. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. API Key Setup: First, you need to have a Linear custom API key. This key is essential for authenticating your requests to the Linear API. The tool uses this key to interact with Linear's backend services securely.

  2. Input Parameters: The tool requires specific input parameters: the team name, ticket title, ticket description, and the Linear API key. These parameters are necessary to create a ticket accurately. The team name helps identify which team the ticket should be assigned to, while the title and description provide details about the task.

  3. Fetching Team ID: The tool starts by making a request to the Linear API to fetch the list of teams. It then searches for the team that matches the name provided in the input parameters. If the team is found, the tool retrieves the team ID, which is required for creating the ticket. If the team is not found, the tool returns an error message indicating that the specified team does not exist.

  4. Creating the Ticket: Once the team ID is obtained, the tool constructs a mutation query to create a new ticket. This query includes the title, description, and team ID. The tool then sends this query to the Linear API, which processes the request and creates the ticket.

  5. Response Handling: After the ticket is created, the tool receives a response from the Linear API. This response includes details about the newly created ticket, such as the title and URL. The tool then returns this information, confirming that the ticket has been successfully created.


  • Consistency at scale: Ensures that tasks are consistently logged and tracked, maintaining operational efficiency.
  • Better ROI: Automates repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on high-value activities and improving overall productivity.

Additional use-cases

  • Automating the creation of tickets for recurring tasks or projects.
  • Generating tickets for bug tracking and feature requests in software development.
  • Creating tickets for content creation and approval workflows in marketing campaigns.

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