Builtwith: Lists

Builtwith: Lists is a powerful tool designed to help you discover websites that use specific web technologies. By leveraging the Builtwith API, this tool provides comprehensive lists of websites employing particular technologies. It is particularly useful for market research, competitive analysis, and tracking technology adoption trends.


Builtwith: Lists is a powerful tool designed to help you discover websites that use specific web technologies. By leveraging the Builtwith API, this tool provides comprehensive lists of websites employing particular technologies. It is particularly useful for market research, competitive analysis, and tracking technology adoption trends.

Who this tool is for

Market Researchers: If you are a market researcher, Builtwith: Lists can significantly streamline your data collection process. You can easily compile lists of websites using specific technologies, which can help you understand market penetration and technology trends. This data can be invaluable for creating detailed market reports and identifying emerging technologies.

Competitive Analysts: As a competitive analyst, you can use Builtwith: Lists to monitor the technology stack of your competitors. By knowing which technologies your competitors are adopting, you can gain insights into their strategic direction and technological capabilities. This information can help you make informed decisions about your own technology investments and competitive positioning.

Technology Enthusiasts: If you are a technology enthusiast or a developer keen on tracking the adoption of new technologies, Builtwith: Lists can be an excellent resource. You can discover which websites are using the latest technologies, helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify potential opportunities for innovation or collaboration.

How the tool works

Builtwith: Lists operates by interfacing with the Builtwith API to fetch data about websites using specific technologies. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Input Parameters:To get started, you need to provide two key pieces of information: your Builtwith API key and the name of the technology you are interested in. The API key can be obtained from the Builtwith website, and the technology name should be case-sensitive.

  2. API Request:Once you have entered the required parameters, the tool constructs an API request to the Builtwith endpoint. The request URL is formatted to include your API key and the specified technology name. This ensures that the request is authenticated and targeted to the correct technology.

  3. Fetching Data:The tool sends the API request and waits for a response from the Builtwith server. The server processes the request and returns a JSON object containing a list of websites that use the specified technology. This data includes various details about each website, such as its domain name and the technologies it employs.

  4. Data Processing:Upon receiving the response, the tool processes the JSON data to extract relevant information. This step involves parsing the JSON object and organizing the data into a structured format that is easy to read and analyze.

  5. Output:Finally, the processed data is presented to you in a user-friendly format. You can view the list of websites and use the information for your specific needs, whether it’s for market research, competitive analysis, or technology tracking.


  • Easily discover websites using specific web technologies.
  • Streamline market research and data collection processes.
  • Gain insights into competitors' technology stacks.
  • Track technology adoption trends across the internet.
  • Leverage comprehensive data for informed decision-making.

Additional use-cases

  • Identifying potential clients or partners who use a specific technology.
  • Analyzing the market penetration of emerging technologies.
  • Monitoring the adoption rate of new web technologies.
  • Creating targeted marketing campaigns based on technology usage.
  • Conducting academic research on technology trends and adoption.

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