Personalise LI requests w/ LI posts OR LI profile

A tool that customizes LinkedIn connection requests using AI to analyze a prospect's recent LinkedIn posts or profile data.


The 'Personalise LI requests w/ LI posts OR LI profile' tool is a sophisticated solution designed to enhance the personal touch in sales outreach on LinkedIn. It intelligently sifts through a prospect's last 10 LinkedIn posts from the past six months and formats them for optimal processing by advanced Large Language Models. The tool then distills these posts into a summary of key insights, which are used to craft a connection request that resonates with the prospect's interests and activities. If the posts are not sufficient for personalization, the tool pivots to the prospect's LinkedIn profile, extracting and summarizing pertinent data points such as experiences, skills, and achievements. The final output is a tailored connection request that prioritizes insights from LinkedIn posts but can fall back on profile information to ensure relevance and personalization.

Use cases

Sales professionals and business development teams can use this tool to streamline their LinkedIn networking strategy, ensuring that each connection request they send is thoughtfully personalized. It's particularly useful for those looking to scale their outreach without sacrificing the quality of their interactions. Recruiters may also find this tool beneficial for connecting with potential candidates by referencing their professional contributions and interests. Moreover, anyone looking to grow their professional network with a targeted approach can leverage this tool to make a memorable first impression.


The primary benefit of this tool is the ability to create highly personalized connection requests that stand out in a prospect's inbox, potentially increasing the chances of successful networking and sales opportunities. By leveraging recent and relevant content from the prospect's own LinkedIn activities, the tool helps establish a connection based on shared interests or professional alignment. This level of personalization can lead to more meaningful conversations and a stronger professional network. Additionally, the automation of this process saves time and ensures consistency in outreach efforts.

How it works

The tool begins by collecting the prospect's recent LinkedIn posts and preparing them for analysis by Large Language Models. It then condenses the posts into summaries that capture the essence of the prospect's shared content. Using these summaries, the tool generates a personalized connection request message. In the absence of suitable post data, it retrieves and refines the prospect's LinkedIn profile information, summarizing key aspects for personalization. The tool concludes by synthesizing this information into a connection request, prioritizing post-based personalization but seamlessly integrating profile data when necessary. The process is underpinned by inputs such as the prospect's name, LinkedIn URL, and context about the user's product or service, ensuring that the final message is both personalized and relevant to the user's business context.

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