SPIN Selling

SPIN Selling is an automated tool designed to generate targeted sales questions based on the SPIN framework, aiding sales professionals in uncovering customer needs.


The SPIN Selling tool is a sophisticated solution that leverages the SPIN selling methodology to craft questions that delve into a customer's Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff. It requires inputs such as product name, a detailed description, customer information, and preferred tone of voice. These inputs are processed using a language model, specifically a variant of OpenAI's GPT-3.5, to produce questions that are structured to guide a sales conversation towards understanding and addressing customer needs effectively.

Use cases

Use cases for the SPIN Selling tool include preparing for sales meetings, training new sales staff on effective questioning techniques, and refining sales strategies to improve customer engagement. It can be particularly useful for sales professionals looking to tailor their approach to individual customers or to enhance their questioning skills in line with the SPIN selling framework.


The benefits of the SPIN Selling tool include the ability to quickly generate high-quality, relevant questions that can lead to deeper customer insights and more effective sales conversations. It streamlines the question-creation process, saving time and ensuring that sales professionals are equipped with the right questions to uncover customer needs and drive sales.

How it works

Users provide the tool with key information about their product and customer. The tool then uses this information to construct a prompt for a language model, which generates a series of SPIN selling questions. The process is designed to be deterministic, with a temperature setting of 0 to ensure the output is focused and relevant to the inputs provided. The result is a set of questions that can be used directly in sales engagements.

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