Property listing generator

The Property Listing Generator is an innovative automation tool that streamlines the creation of property listings for marketing purposes, tailored to specific property details and local amenities.


Designed by Jason Zhou, the Property Listing Generator is a sophisticated tool that simplifies the process of crafting compelling property listings. It begins by taking in key property details such as address, property type, language, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, parking availability, transaction type, and any additional property features. The tool then intelligently extracts the suburb from the address, searches for local amenities like schools and entertainment, and condenses this information to ensure the final listing is concise and relevant. Leveraging the Anthropic-Claude-v2 language model, it generates a world-class property listing that not only highlights the property's features but also the lifestyle potential buyers or renters could enjoy in the area.

Use cases

Real estate agents can use the Property Listing Generator to quickly create detailed and attractive listings for multiple properties, ensuring a consistent tone and quality. Property managers can utilize the tool to update listings with current information about the neighborhood, and marketers can leverage the tool to craft listings in various languages, expanding their reach to a broader audience.


The primary benefits of using the Property Listing Generator include saving time and effort in researching and writing listings, ensuring consistency and quality across multiple listings, and enhancing the appeal of properties by including relevant local amenities. It also allows for customization based on property specifics and local attractions, potentially increasing the property's marketability.

How it works

The Property Listing Generator operates in a structured manner, starting with the extraction of the suburb name from the property's address. It then uses this suburb name to perform a Google search, gathering details about local amenities that would be attractive to potential buyers or renters. To maintain focus and brevity, the tool truncates the details to a digestible length. Finally, it synthesizes all the input parameters and the curated local information to produce a property listing in the desired language, ensuring it is both informative and engaging, and suitable for the specified transaction type.

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