Personalized msg generator - Annual report

A tool designed to craft personalized opening lines for messages by analyzing the content of an annual report and incorporating user-provided context.


The 'Personalized msg generator - Annual report' is a sophisticated automation tool that streamlines the process of creating tailored opening lines for professional communication. It intelligently parses through an uploaded annual report, identifies key information based on a search query, and integrates this with the recipient's job title, the user's product context, and the intended message body. The tool operates on a set of 11 meticulously crafted rules, ensuring the generated message is personalized, relevant, and free from jargon or emotional language. It leverages the capabilities of the openai-gpt3.5-16k AI model to ensure the output is of high quality and contextually appropriate.

Use cases

The tool can be used by sales professionals looking to reach out to potential clients with a personalized touch, marketing teams aiming to create targeted campaigns based on company performance insights, or customer success managers seeking to reference specific achievements in their communications. It's also valuable for networking, allowing users to initiate conversations with prospects by highlighting mutual interests or relevant data points from their annual reports.


The primary benefit of this tool is its ability to create highly personalized and contextually relevant opening lines that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of business communication. It saves time by automating the personalization process, ensures consistency in messaging, and helps establish a connection with the recipient by referencing specific details from their company's annual report. This level of customization can lead to higher engagement rates and potentially improve the success of sales and networking efforts.

How it works

Upon receiving the annual report and other inputs from the user, the tool divides the report into manageable segments. It then searches these segments for the specified query, selecting the most relevant excerpts. Using these excerpts and the additional context provided by the user, the tool employs its AI model to generate an opening line that is personalized to the recipient's name, resonates with their professional role, and aligns with the user's company and product offerings. The result is a finely tuned opening line ready to be used in a message to a sales prospect or business associate.

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