Run SQL on Relevance data

This tool enables users to perform SQL queries on datasets within the Relevance AI platform, streamlining data analysis and manipulation.


The Run SQL on Relevance data tool is a sophisticated yet user-friendly solution for data professionals who need to interact with and analyze datasets stored on the Relevance AI platform. It is uniquely identified and accessible, requiring users to input a dataset name and an SQL query. The tool leverages Python and DuckDB to process the query, fetching data from the platform and executing the SQL command. The result is a seamless integration of SQL capabilities within the Relevance AI environment, allowing for complex data operations without the need for external database management systems.

Use cases

The tool can be used by data analysts to perform ad-hoc analysis, generate reports, or extract specific data subsets for further examination. It is also useful for data scientists who need to preprocess or transform data before applying machine learning models. Additionally, it can assist in data governance tasks, such as auditing and compliance checks, by allowing users to query and review data directly within the platform.


The primary benefits of this tool include the ability to quickly run complex SQL queries on large datasets without leaving the Relevance AI platform, eliminating the need for additional database software or data export. It simplifies the data analysis process, saves time, and enhances productivity by providing a direct and powerful way to manipulate and extract insights from data.

How it works

Upon receiving the dataset name and SQL query from the user, the tool replaces placeholders within the query with the actual dataset name. It then uses Python to initiate a client for the Relevance AI platform and connects to an in-memory DuckDB database. The tool fetches the data in manageable chunks, converting it into a Pandas DataFrame, which is then registered as a table in DuckDB. The SQL query is executed against this table, and the results are returned to the user, providing a smooth and efficient workflow for data querying and analysis.

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